#!/bin/bash export PATH=/usr/bin/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/git:$PATH export SRCROOT="$SRCROOT" echo "should SCP: -$SHOULD_SCP-" echo "## check $SRCROOT/postScript.sh for a helpful post script" # only used if we SCP the deb over, and this only happens if dpkg-deb and fauxsu are installed ATV_DEVICE_IP=guest-room.local #say "$SDKROOT" echo $SDKROOT BASE_SDK=`basename $SDKROOT` if [[ $BASE_SDK == *"Simulator"* ]] then exit 0 fi # xcodes path to the the full framework TARGET_BUILD_FW="$TARGET_BUILD_DIR"/"$PRODUCT_NAME".$WRAPPER_EXTENSION echo $TARGET_BUILD_FW DPKG_BUILD_PATH="$SRCROOT"/layout FW_FOLDER="$DPKG_BUILD_PATH"/Library/Frameworks echo $FW_FOLDER FINAL_FW_PATH=$FW_FOLDER/"$PRODUCT_NAME".$WRAPPER_EXTENSION rm -rf "$FINAL_FW_PATH" mkdir -p "$FW_FOLDER" mkdir -p "$FINAL_FW_PATH" cp -r "$TARGET_BUILD_FW" "$FW_FOLDER" pushd "$SRCROOT" find . -name ".DS_Store" | xargs rm -f EXE_PATH=$FINAL_FW_PATH/$EXECUTABLE_NAME #exit 0 if [ "$SHOULD_SCP" == "1" ]; then ldid -S $EXE_PATH rm -rf $FINAL_FW_PATH/_CodeSignature /usr/local/bin/fakeroot dpkg-deb -b layout scp layout.deb root@$ATV_DEVICE_IP:~ ssh root@$ATV_DEVICE_IP "dpkg -i layout.deb ; killall -9 nitoTV ; lsdtrip launch com.nito.nitoTV4" fi exit 0