// // FLEXKeyboardShortcutManager.m // FLEX // // Created by Ryan Olson on 9/19/15. // Copyright © 2020 FLEX Team. All rights reserved. // #import "FLEXKeyboardShortcutManager.h" #import "FLEXUtility.h" #import #import #if TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR @interface UIEvent (UIPhysicalKeyboardEvent) @property (nonatomic) NSString *_modifiedInput; @property (nonatomic) NSString *_unmodifiedInput; @property (nonatomic) UIKeyModifierFlags _modifierFlags; @property (nonatomic) BOOL _isKeyDown; @property (nonatomic) long _keyCode; @end @interface FLEXKeyInput : NSObject @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *key; @property (nonatomic, readonly) UIKeyModifierFlags flags; @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *helpDescription; @end @implementation FLEXKeyInput - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object { BOOL isEqual = NO; if ([object isKindOfClass:[FLEXKeyInput class]]) { FLEXKeyInput *keyCommand = (FLEXKeyInput *)object; BOOL equalKeys = self.key == keyCommand.key || [self.key isEqual:keyCommand.key]; BOOL equalFlags = self.flags == keyCommand.flags; isEqual = equalKeys && equalFlags; } return isEqual; } - (NSUInteger)hash { return self.key.hash ^ self.flags; } - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { return [[self class] keyInputForKey:self.key flags:self.flags helpDescription:self.helpDescription]; } - (NSString *)description { NSDictionary *keyMappings = @{ UIKeyInputUpArrow : @"↑", UIKeyInputDownArrow : @"↓", UIKeyInputLeftArrow : @"←", UIKeyInputRightArrow : @"→", UIKeyInputEscape : @"␛", @" " : @"␠" }; NSString *prettyKey = nil; if (self.key && keyMappings[self.key]) { prettyKey = keyMappings[self.key]; } else { prettyKey = [self.key uppercaseString]; } NSString *prettyFlags = @""; if (self.flags & UIKeyModifierControl) { prettyFlags = [prettyFlags stringByAppendingString:@"⌃"]; } if (self.flags & UIKeyModifierAlternate) { prettyFlags = [prettyFlags stringByAppendingString:@"⌥"]; } if (self.flags & UIKeyModifierShift) { prettyFlags = [prettyFlags stringByAppendingString:@"⇧"]; } if (self.flags & UIKeyModifierCommand) { prettyFlags = [prettyFlags stringByAppendingString:@"⌘"]; } // Fudging to get easy columns with tabs if (prettyFlags.length < 2) { prettyKey = [prettyKey stringByAppendingString:@"\t"]; } return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@\t%@", prettyFlags, prettyKey, self.helpDescription]; } + (instancetype)keyInputForKey:(NSString *)key flags:(UIKeyModifierFlags)flags { return [self keyInputForKey:key flags:flags helpDescription:nil]; } + (instancetype)keyInputForKey:(NSString *)key flags:(UIKeyModifierFlags)flags helpDescription:(NSString *)helpDescription { FLEXKeyInput *keyInput = [self new]; if (keyInput) { keyInput->_key = key; keyInput->_flags = flags; keyInput->_helpDescription = helpDescription; } return keyInput; } @end @interface FLEXKeyboardShortcutManager () @property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary *actionsForKeyInputs; @property (nonatomic, getter=isPressingShift) BOOL pressingShift; @property (nonatomic, getter=isPressingCommand) BOOL pressingCommand; @property (nonatomic, getter=isPressingControl) BOOL pressingControl; @end @implementation FLEXKeyboardShortcutManager + (instancetype)sharedManager { static FLEXKeyboardShortcutManager *sharedManager = nil; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ sharedManager = [self new]; }); return sharedManager; } + (void)load { SEL originalKeyEventSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"handleKeyUIEvent:"); SEL swizzledKeyEventSelector = [FLEXUtility swizzledSelectorForSelector:originalKeyEventSelector]; void (^handleKeyUIEventSwizzleBlock)(UIApplication *, UIEvent *) = ^(UIApplication *slf, UIEvent *event) { [[[self class] sharedManager] handleKeyboardEvent:event]; ((void(*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(slf, swizzledKeyEventSelector, event); }; [FLEXUtility replaceImplementationOfKnownSelector:originalKeyEventSelector onClass:[UIApplication class] withBlock:handleKeyUIEventSwizzleBlock swizzledSelector:swizzledKeyEventSelector ]; if ([[UITouch class] instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(maximumPossibleForce)]) { SEL originalSendEventSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"sendEvent:"); SEL swizzledSendEventSelector = [FLEXUtility swizzledSelectorForSelector:originalSendEventSelector]; void (^sendEventSwizzleBlock)(UIApplication *, UIEvent *) = ^(UIApplication *slf, UIEvent *event) { if (event.type == UIEventTypeTouches) { FLEXKeyboardShortcutManager *keyboardManager = FLEXKeyboardShortcutManager.sharedManager; NSInteger pressureLevel = 0; if (keyboardManager.isPressingShift) { pressureLevel++; } if (keyboardManager.isPressingCommand) { pressureLevel++; } if (keyboardManager.isPressingControl) { pressureLevel++; } if (pressureLevel > 0) { if (@available(iOS 9.0, *)) { for (UITouch *touch in [event allTouches]) { double adjustedPressureLevel = pressureLevel * 20 * touch.maximumPossibleForce; [touch setValue:@(adjustedPressureLevel) forKey:@"_pressure"]; } } } } ((void(*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(slf, swizzledSendEventSelector, event); }; [FLEXUtility replaceImplementationOfKnownSelector:originalSendEventSelector onClass:[UIApplication class] withBlock:sendEventSwizzleBlock swizzledSelector:swizzledSendEventSelector ]; SEL originalSupportsTouchPressureSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"_supportsForceTouch"); SEL swizzledSupportsTouchPressureSelector = [FLEXUtility swizzledSelectorForSelector:originalSupportsTouchPressureSelector]; BOOL (^supportsTouchPressureSwizzleBlock)(UIDevice *) = ^BOOL(UIDevice *slf) { return YES; }; [FLEXUtility replaceImplementationOfKnownSelector:originalSupportsTouchPressureSelector onClass:[UIDevice class] withBlock:supportsTouchPressureSwizzleBlock swizzledSelector:swizzledSupportsTouchPressureSelector ]; } } - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { _actionsForKeyInputs = [NSMutableDictionary new]; _enabled = YES; } return self; } - (void)registerSimulatorShortcutWithKey:(NSString *)key modifiers:(UIKeyModifierFlags)modifiers action:(dispatch_block_t)action description:(NSString *)description allowOverride:(BOOL)allowOverride { FLEXKeyInput *keyInput = [FLEXKeyInput keyInputForKey:key flags:modifiers helpDescription:description]; if (!allowOverride && self.actionsForKeyInputs[keyInput] != nil) { return; } else { [self.actionsForKeyInputs setObject:action forKey:keyInput]; } } static const long kFLEXControlKeyCode = 0xe0; static const long kFLEXShiftKeyCode = 0xe1; static const long kFLEXCommandKeyCode = 0xe3; - (void)handleKeyboardEvent:(UIEvent *)event { if (!self.enabled) { return; } NSString *modifiedInput = nil; NSString *unmodifiedInput = nil; UIKeyModifierFlags flags = 0; BOOL isKeyDown = NO; if ([event respondsToSelector:@selector(_modifiedInput)]) { modifiedInput = [event _modifiedInput]; } if ([event respondsToSelector:@selector(_unmodifiedInput)]) { unmodifiedInput = [event _unmodifiedInput]; } if ([event respondsToSelector:@selector(_modifierFlags)]) { flags = [event _modifierFlags]; } if ([event respondsToSelector:@selector(_isKeyDown)]) { isKeyDown = [event _isKeyDown]; } BOOL interactionEnabled = !UIApplication.sharedApplication.isIgnoringInteractionEvents; BOOL hasFirstResponder = NO; if (isKeyDown && modifiedInput.length > 0 && interactionEnabled) { UIResponder *firstResponder = nil; for (UIWindow *window in FLEXUtility.allWindows) { firstResponder = [window valueForKey:@"firstResponder"]; if (firstResponder) { hasFirstResponder = YES; break; } } // Ignore key commands (except escape) when there's an active responder if (firstResponder) { if ([unmodifiedInput isEqual:UIKeyInputEscape]) { [firstResponder resignFirstResponder]; } } else { FLEXKeyInput *exactMatch = [FLEXKeyInput keyInputForKey:unmodifiedInput flags:flags]; dispatch_block_t actionBlock = self.actionsForKeyInputs[exactMatch]; if (!actionBlock) { FLEXKeyInput *shiftMatch = [FLEXKeyInput keyInputForKey:modifiedInput flags:flags&(~UIKeyModifierShift) ]; actionBlock = self.actionsForKeyInputs[shiftMatch]; } if (!actionBlock) { FLEXKeyInput *capitalMatch = [FLEXKeyInput keyInputForKey:[unmodifiedInput uppercaseString] flags:flags ]; actionBlock = self.actionsForKeyInputs[capitalMatch]; } if (actionBlock) { actionBlock(); } } } // Calling _keyCode on events from the simulator keyboard will crash. // It is only safe to call _keyCode when there's not an active responder. if (!hasFirstResponder && [event respondsToSelector:@selector(_keyCode)]) { long keyCode = [event _keyCode]; if (keyCode == kFLEXControlKeyCode) { self.pressingControl = isKeyDown; } else if (keyCode == kFLEXCommandKeyCode) { self.pressingCommand = isKeyDown; } else if (keyCode == kFLEXShiftKeyCode) { self.pressingShift = isKeyDown; } } } - (NSString *)keyboardShortcutsDescription { NSMutableString *description = [NSMutableString new]; NSArray *keyInputs = [self.actionsForKeyInputs.allKeys sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(FLEXKeyInput *input1, FLEXKeyInput *input2) { return [input1.key caseInsensitiveCompare:input2.key]; } ]; for (FLEXKeyInput *keyInput in keyInputs) { [description appendFormat:@"%@\n", keyInput]; } return [description copy]; } @end #endif