Commit History

Author SHA1 Message Date
  Kevin Bradley e4505c7839 updated it to actually launch on 11.1 without crashing, havent tested running it yet, should work okay. bootstrap is very close, nitotv wont launch but then when reinstlaled via deb it will from same exact version. maybe just install the deb after the bootstrap is installed. 5 years ago
  Kevin Bradley 19d7f3f6b5 more up to date with jailbreakd, nothing appears broken, may not be any better either. still figuring it out. 5 years ago
  Kevin Bradley 78868b9979 starting to find important differences and things that are missing from meridian JBD and adding them in, about to make a major change so wanted to commit first 5 years ago
  Kevin Bradley 5ddefbcdf2 Additional changes that were needed as all the electra based fucntions were implemented into the ViewController. Theoretically this should work for either one just as good as each individual app worked before. 5 years ago
  Kevin Bradley 0bc2c3cf47 added electra binaries source for jailbreakd 1131, these files havent been pulled for a bit from their repo so im likely out of sync. they seem to work okay right now 5 years ago
  Kevin Bradley 4f2c24cdb6 theoretically this should work on both 10.2.2 and 11.1 yet. untested but i know the last build on the repo still works so this shouldn't break anything 5 years ago
  Kevin Bradley 7329037a2e bootstrap that has working code injection and opensshd 5 years ago
  Kevin Bradley b5fcf401fd oops was in the wrong folder, heres some more changes 5 years ago
  Kevin Bradley 48b3724556 actually remember to commit a bootstrap that has ssh working, other various changes that i've forgotten. 5 years ago
  Kevin Bradley 55cb733ca3 initial commit, builds and somewhat works on tvOS, the bootstrap and everything else are completely unmodified from PsychoTeas original, just want a baseline copy as i modify things to test everything out 5 years ago
  lechium d82b1af1fe Initial commit 5 years ago