Kevin Bradley
fix electra in 11.1, about to do a major overhaul to try and use newer jailbreakd with 10.2.2. defensively committing while things still work
5 年之前 |
Kevin Bradley
added nonce setting support, partially updated teh bootstrap to include latest versions, still need to modify it to respect proper paths (mobilesubstrate dir linked to /usr/lib/TweakInject
6 年之前 |
Kevin Bradley
added experimental kppless support, provided me a more stable foundation for futurerestore
6 年之前 |
Kevin Bradley
run in the proper location. unlink a bunch of cycript stuff and link inject_critical_d into /usr/bin/cycript also make symbolic link that will allow scp to work. Added nitoTV.deb installation. it makes it easier to update nitoTV build and works around some weird launch issues that were occurring. added missing xcasset folder. Updated tweakinject to fix a major bug where it was only allowing one lib to inject per process
6 年之前 |
Kevin Bradley
close to finalized bootstrap, made some changes to uicache and the bootstrapping process to enable auto launch of nitoTV
6 年之前 |
Kevin Bradley
starting to find important differences and things that are missing from meridian JBD and adding them in, about to make a major change so wanted to commit first
6 年之前 |
Kevin Bradley
added electra binaries source for jailbreakd 1131, these files havent been pulled for a bit from their repo so im likely out of sync. they seem to work okay right now
6 年之前 |