V2.pm 28 KB

  1. # Copyright © 2008-2011 Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org>
  2. # Copyright © 2008-2015 Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org>
  3. #
  4. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  5. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  6. # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  7. # (at your option) any later version.
  8. #
  9. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  13. #
  14. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15. # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  16. package Dpkg::Source::Package::V2;
  17. use strict;
  18. use warnings;
  19. our $VERSION = '0.01';
  20. use POSIX qw(:errno_h);
  21. use List::Util qw(first);
  22. use Cwd;
  23. use File::Basename;
  24. use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
  25. use File::Path qw(make_path);
  26. use File::Spec;
  27. use File::Find;
  28. use File::Copy;
  29. use Dpkg::Gettext;
  30. use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
  31. use Dpkg::File;
  32. use Dpkg::Path qw(find_command);
  33. use Dpkg::Compression;
  34. use Dpkg::Source::Archive;
  35. use Dpkg::Source::Patch;
  36. use Dpkg::Exit qw(push_exit_handler pop_exit_handler);
  37. use Dpkg::Source::Functions qw(erasedir is_binary fs_time);
  38. use Dpkg::Vendor qw(run_vendor_hook);
  39. use Dpkg::Control;
  40. use Dpkg::Changelog::Parse;
  41. use parent qw(Dpkg::Source::Package);
  42. our $CURRENT_MINOR_VERSION = '0';
  43. sub init_options {
  44. my $self = shift;
  45. $self->SUPER::init_options();
  46. $self->{options}{include_removal} //= 0;
  47. $self->{options}{include_timestamp} //= 0;
  48. $self->{options}{include_binaries} //= 0;
  49. $self->{options}{preparation} //= 1;
  50. $self->{options}{skip_patches} //= 0;
  51. $self->{options}{unapply_patches} //= 'auto';
  52. $self->{options}{skip_debianization} //= 0;
  53. $self->{options}{create_empty_orig} //= 0;
  54. $self->{options}{auto_commit} //= 0;
  55. $self->{options}{ignore_bad_version} //= 0;
  56. }
  57. sub parse_cmdline_option {
  58. my ($self, $opt) = @_;
  59. if ($opt eq '--include-removal') {
  60. $self->{options}{include_removal} = 1;
  61. return 1;
  62. } elsif ($opt eq '--include-timestamp') {
  63. $self->{options}{include_timestamp} = 1;
  64. return 1;
  65. } elsif ($opt eq '--include-binaries') {
  66. $self->{options}{include_binaries} = 1;
  67. return 1;
  68. } elsif ($opt eq '--no-preparation') {
  69. $self->{options}{preparation} = 0;
  70. return 1;
  71. } elsif ($opt eq '--skip-patches') {
  72. $self->{options}{skip_patches} = 1;
  73. return 1;
  74. } elsif ($opt eq '--unapply-patches') {
  75. $self->{options}{unapply_patches} = 'yes';
  76. return 1;
  77. } elsif ($opt eq '--no-unapply-patches') {
  78. $self->{options}{unapply_patches} = 'no';
  79. return 1;
  80. } elsif ($opt eq '--skip-debianization') {
  81. $self->{options}{skip_debianization} = 1;
  82. return 1;
  83. } elsif ($opt eq '--create-empty-orig') {
  84. $self->{options}{create_empty_orig} = 1;
  85. return 1;
  86. } elsif ($opt eq '--abort-on-upstream-changes') {
  87. $self->{options}{auto_commit} = 0;
  88. return 1;
  89. } elsif ($opt eq '--auto-commit') {
  90. $self->{options}{auto_commit} = 1;
  91. return 1;
  92. } elsif ($opt eq '--ignore-bad-version') {
  93. $self->{options}{ignore_bad_version} = 1;
  94. return 1;
  95. }
  96. return 0;
  97. }
  98. sub do_extract {
  99. my ($self, $newdirectory) = @_;
  100. my $fields = $self->{fields};
  101. my $dscdir = $self->{basedir};
  102. my $basename = $self->get_basename();
  103. my $basenamerev = $self->get_basename(1);
  104. my ($tarfile, $debianfile, %addonfile, %seen);
  105. my ($tarsign, %addonsign);
  106. my $re_ext = compression_get_file_extension_regex();
  107. foreach my $file ($self->get_files()) {
  108. my $uncompressed = $file;
  109. $uncompressed =~ s/\.$re_ext$/.*/;
  110. $uncompressed =~ s/\.$re_ext\.asc$/.*.asc/;
  111. error(g_('duplicate files in %s source package: %s'), 'v2.0',
  112. $uncompressed) if $seen{$uncompressed};
  113. $seen{$uncompressed} = 1;
  114. if ($file =~ /^\Q$basename\E\.orig\.tar\.$re_ext$/) {
  115. $tarfile = $file;
  116. } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basename\E\.orig\.tar\.$re_ext\.asc$/) {
  117. $tarsign = $file;
  118. } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basename\E\.orig-([[:alnum:]-]+)\.tar\.$re_ext$/) {
  119. $addonfile{$1} = $file;
  120. } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basename\E\.orig-([[:alnum:]-]+)\.tar\.$re_ext\.asc$/) {
  121. $addonsign{$1} = $file;
  122. } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basenamerev\E\.debian\.tar\.$re_ext$/) {
  123. $debianfile = $file;
  124. } else {
  125. error(g_('unrecognized file for a %s source package: %s'),
  126. 'v2.0', $file);
  127. }
  128. }
  129. unless ($tarfile and $debianfile) {
  130. error(g_('missing orig.tar or debian.tar file in v2.0 source package'));
  131. }
  132. if ($tarsign and $tarfile ne substr $tarsign, 0, -4) {
  133. error(g_('mismatched orig.tar %s for signature %s in source package'),
  134. $tarfile, $tarsign);
  135. }
  136. foreach my $name (keys %addonsign) {
  137. error(g_('missing addon orig.tar for signature %s in source package'),
  138. $addonsign{$name})
  139. if not exists $addonfile{$name};
  140. error(g_('mismatched addon orig.tar %s for signature %s in source package'),
  141. $addonfile{$name}, $addonsign{$name})
  142. if $addonfile{$name} ne substr $addonsign{$name}, 0, -4;
  143. }
  144. erasedir($newdirectory);
  145. # Extract main tarball
  146. info(g_('unpacking %s'), $tarfile);
  147. my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$dscdir$tarfile");
  148. $tar->extract($newdirectory, no_fixperms => 1,
  149. options => [ '--anchored', '--no-wildcards-match-slash',
  150. '--exclude', '*/.pc', '--exclude', '.pc' ]);
  151. # The .pc exclusion is only needed for 3.0 (quilt) and to avoid
  152. # having an upstream tarball provide a directory with symlinks
  153. # that would be blindly followed when applying the patches
  154. # Extract additional orig tarballs
  155. foreach my $subdir (sort keys %addonfile) {
  156. my $file = $addonfile{$subdir};
  157. info(g_('unpacking %s'), $file);
  158. if (-e "$newdirectory/$subdir") {
  159. warning(g_("required removal of '%s' installed by original tarball"),
  160. $subdir);
  161. erasedir("$newdirectory/$subdir");
  162. }
  163. $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$dscdir$file");
  164. $tar->extract("$newdirectory/$subdir", no_fixperms => 1);
  165. }
  166. # Stop here if debianization is not wanted
  167. return if $self->{options}{skip_debianization};
  168. # Extract debian tarball after removing the debian directory
  169. info(g_('unpacking %s'), $debianfile);
  170. erasedir("$newdirectory/debian");
  171. # Exclude existing symlinks from extraction of debian.tar.gz as we
  172. # don't want to overwrite something outside of $newdirectory due to a
  173. # symlink
  174. my @exclude_symlinks;
  175. my $wanted = sub {
  176. return if not -l;
  177. my $fn = File::Spec->abs2rel($_, $newdirectory);
  178. push @exclude_symlinks, '--exclude', $fn;
  179. };
  180. find({ wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => 1 }, $newdirectory);
  181. $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$dscdir$debianfile");
  182. $tar->extract($newdirectory, in_place => 1,
  183. options => [ '--anchored', '--no-wildcards',
  184. @exclude_symlinks ]);
  185. # Apply patches (in a separate method as it might be overriden)
  186. $self->apply_patches($newdirectory, usage => 'unpack')
  187. unless $self->{options}{skip_patches};
  188. }
  189. sub get_autopatch_name {
  190. return 'zz_debian-diff-auto';
  191. }
  192. sub get_patches {
  193. my ($self, $dir, %opts) = @_;
  194. $opts{skip_auto} //= 0;
  195. my @patches;
  196. my $pd = "$dir/debian/patches";
  197. my $auto_patch = $self->get_autopatch_name();
  198. if (-d $pd) {
  199. opendir(my $dir_dh, $pd) or syserr(g_('cannot opendir %s'), $pd);
  200. foreach my $patch (sort readdir($dir_dh)) {
  201. # patches match same rules as run-parts
  202. next unless $patch =~ /^[\w-]+$/ and -f "$pd/$patch";
  203. next if $opts{skip_auto} and $patch eq $auto_patch;
  204. push @patches, $patch;
  205. }
  206. closedir($dir_dh);
  207. }
  208. return @patches;
  209. }
  210. sub apply_patches {
  211. my ($self, $dir, %opts) = @_;
  212. $opts{skip_auto} //= 0;
  213. my @patches = $self->get_patches($dir, %opts);
  214. return unless scalar(@patches);
  215. my $applied = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', '.dpkg-source-applied');
  216. open(my $applied_fh, '>', $applied)
  217. or syserr(g_('cannot write %s'), $applied);
  218. print { $applied_fh } "# During $opts{usage}\n";
  219. my $timestamp = fs_time($applied);
  220. foreach my $patch ($self->get_patches($dir, %opts)) {
  221. my $path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', $patch);
  222. info(g_('applying %s'), $patch) unless $opts{skip_auto};
  223. my $patch_obj = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(filename => $path);
  224. $patch_obj->apply($dir, force_timestamp => 1,
  225. timestamp => $timestamp,
  226. add_options => [ '-E' ]);
  227. print { $applied_fh } "$patch\n";
  228. }
  229. close($applied_fh);
  230. }
  231. sub unapply_patches {
  232. my ($self, $dir, %opts) = @_;
  233. my @patches = reverse($self->get_patches($dir, %opts));
  234. return unless scalar(@patches);
  235. my $applied = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', '.dpkg-source-applied');
  236. my $timestamp = fs_time($applied);
  237. foreach my $patch (@patches) {
  238. my $path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', $patch);
  239. info(g_('unapplying %s'), $patch) unless $opts{quiet};
  240. my $patch_obj = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(filename => $path);
  241. $patch_obj->apply($dir, force_timestamp => 1, verbose => 0,
  242. timestamp => $timestamp,
  243. add_options => [ '-E', '-R' ]);
  244. }
  245. unlink($applied);
  246. }
  247. sub upstream_tarball_template {
  248. my $self = shift;
  249. my $ext = '{' . join(',',
  250. sort map {
  251. compression_get_property($_, 'file_ext')
  252. } compression_get_list()) . '}';
  253. return '../' . $self->get_basename() . ".orig.tar.$ext";
  254. }
  255. sub can_build {
  256. my ($self, $dir) = @_;
  257. return 1 if $self->find_original_tarballs(include_supplementary => 0);
  258. return 1 if $self->{options}{create_empty_orig} and
  259. $self->find_original_tarballs(include_main => 0);
  260. return (0, sprintf(g_('no upstream tarball found at %s'),
  261. $self->upstream_tarball_template()));
  262. }
  263. sub before_build {
  264. my ($self, $dir) = @_;
  265. $self->check_patches_applied($dir) if $self->{options}{preparation};
  266. }
  267. sub after_build {
  268. my ($self, $dir) = @_;
  269. my $applied = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', '.dpkg-source-applied');
  270. my $reason = '';
  271. if (-e $applied) {
  272. open(my $applied_fh, '<', $applied)
  273. or syserr(g_('cannot read %s'), $applied);
  274. $reason = <$applied_fh>;
  275. close($applied_fh);
  276. }
  277. my $opt_unapply = $self->{options}{unapply_patches};
  278. if (($opt_unapply eq 'auto' and $reason =~ /^# During preparation/) or
  279. $opt_unapply eq 'yes') {
  280. $self->unapply_patches($dir);
  281. }
  282. }
  283. sub prepare_build {
  284. my ($self, $dir) = @_;
  285. $self->{diff_options} = {
  286. diff_ignore_regex => $self->{options}{diff_ignore_regex} .
  287. '|(^|/)debian/patches/.dpkg-source-applied$',
  288. include_removal => $self->{options}{include_removal},
  289. include_timestamp => $self->{options}{include_timestamp},
  290. use_dev_null => 1,
  291. };
  292. push @{$self->{options}{tar_ignore}}, 'debian/patches/.dpkg-source-applied';
  293. $self->check_patches_applied($dir) if $self->{options}{preparation};
  294. if ($self->{options}{create_empty_orig} and
  295. not $self->find_original_tarballs(include_supplementary => 0))
  296. {
  297. # No main orig.tar, create a dummy one
  298. my $filename = $self->get_basename() . '.orig.tar.' .
  299. $self->{options}{comp_ext};
  300. my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $filename,
  301. compression_level => $self->{options}{comp_level});
  302. $tar->create();
  303. $tar->finish();
  304. }
  305. }
  306. sub check_patches_applied {
  307. my ($self, $dir) = @_;
  308. my $applied = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', '.dpkg-source-applied');
  309. unless (-e $applied) {
  310. info(g_('patches are not applied, applying them now'));
  311. $self->apply_patches($dir, usage => 'preparation');
  312. }
  313. }
  314. sub generate_patch {
  315. my ($self, $dir, %opts) = @_;
  316. my ($dirname, $updir) = fileparse($dir);
  317. my $basedirname = $self->get_basename();
  318. $basedirname =~ s/_/-/;
  319. # Identify original tarballs
  320. my ($tarfile, %addonfile);
  321. my $comp_ext_regex = compression_get_file_extension_regex();
  322. my @origtarballs;
  323. foreach my $file (sort $self->find_original_tarballs()) {
  324. if ($file =~ /\.orig\.tar\.$comp_ext_regex$/) {
  325. if (defined($tarfile)) {
  326. error(g_('several orig.tar files found (%s and %s) but only ' .
  327. 'one is allowed'), $tarfile, $file);
  328. }
  329. $tarfile = $file;
  330. push @origtarballs, $file;
  331. $self->add_file($file);
  332. } elsif ($file =~ /\.orig-([[:alnum:]-]+)\.tar\.$comp_ext_regex$/) {
  333. $addonfile{$1} = $file;
  334. push @origtarballs, $file;
  335. $self->add_file($file);
  336. }
  337. }
  338. error(g_('no upstream tarball found at %s'),
  339. $self->upstream_tarball_template()) unless $tarfile;
  340. if ($opts{usage} eq 'build') {
  341. info(g_('building %s using existing %s'),
  342. $self->{fields}{'Source'}, "@origtarballs");
  343. }
  344. # Unpack a second copy for comparison
  345. my $tmp = tempdir("$dirname.orig.XXXXXX", DIR => $updir);
  346. push_exit_handler(sub { erasedir($tmp) });
  347. # Extract main tarball
  348. my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $tarfile);
  349. $tar->extract($tmp);
  350. # Extract additional orig tarballs
  351. foreach my $subdir (keys %addonfile) {
  352. my $file = $addonfile{$subdir};
  353. $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $file);
  354. $tar->extract("$tmp/$subdir");
  355. }
  356. # Copy over the debian directory
  357. erasedir("$tmp/debian");
  358. system('cp', '-a', '--', "$dir/debian", "$tmp/");
  359. subprocerr(g_('copy of the debian directory')) if $?;
  360. # Apply all patches except the last automatic one
  361. $opts{skip_auto} //= 0;
  362. $self->apply_patches($tmp, skip_auto => $opts{skip_auto}, usage => 'build');
  363. # Create a patch
  364. my ($difffh, $tmpdiff) = tempfile($self->get_basename(1) . '.diff.XXXXXX',
  365. TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => 0);
  366. push_exit_handler(sub { unlink($tmpdiff) });
  367. my $diff = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(filename => $tmpdiff,
  368. compression => 'none');
  369. $diff->create();
  370. if ($opts{header_from} and -e $opts{header_from}) {
  371. my $header_from = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(
  372. filename => $opts{header_from});
  373. my $analysis = $header_from->analyze($dir, verbose => 0);
  374. $diff->set_header($analysis->{patchheader});
  375. } else {
  376. $diff->set_header($self->get_patch_header($dir));
  377. }
  378. $diff->add_diff_directory($tmp, $dir, basedirname => $basedirname,
  379. %{$self->{diff_options}},
  380. handle_binary_func => $opts{handle_binary},
  381. order_from => $opts{order_from});
  382. error(g_('unrepresentable changes to source')) if not $diff->finish();
  383. if (-s $tmpdiff) {
  384. info(g_('local changes detected, the modified files are:'));
  385. my $analysis = $diff->analyze($dir, verbose => 0);
  386. foreach my $fn (sort keys %{$analysis->{filepatched}}) {
  387. print " $fn\n";
  388. }
  389. }
  390. # Remove the temporary directory
  391. erasedir($tmp);
  392. pop_exit_handler();
  393. pop_exit_handler();
  394. return $tmpdiff;
  395. }
  396. sub do_build {
  397. my ($self, $dir) = @_;
  398. my @argv = @{$self->{options}{ARGV}};
  399. if (scalar(@argv)) {
  400. usageerr(g_("-b takes only one parameter with format '%s'"),
  401. $self->{fields}{'Format'});
  402. }
  403. $self->prepare_build($dir);
  404. my $include_binaries = $self->{options}{include_binaries};
  405. my @tar_ignore = map { "--exclude=$_" } @{$self->{options}{tar_ignore}};
  406. my $sourcepackage = $self->{fields}{'Source'};
  407. my $basenamerev = $self->get_basename(1);
  408. # Check if the debian directory contains unwanted binary files
  409. my $binaryfiles = Dpkg::Source::Package::V2::BinaryFiles->new($dir);
  410. my $unwanted_binaries = 0;
  411. my $check_binary = sub {
  412. if (-f and is_binary($_)) {
  413. my $fn = File::Spec->abs2rel($_, $dir);
  414. $binaryfiles->new_binary_found($fn);
  415. unless ($include_binaries or $binaryfiles->binary_is_allowed($fn)) {
  416. errormsg(g_('unwanted binary file: %s'), $fn);
  417. $unwanted_binaries++;
  418. }
  419. }
  420. };
  421. my $tar_ignore_glob = '{' . join(',',
  422. map {
  423. my $copy = $_;
  424. $copy =~ s/,/\\,/g;
  425. $copy;
  426. } @{$self->{options}{tar_ignore}}) . '}';
  427. my $filter_ignore = sub {
  428. # Filter out files that are not going to be included in the debian
  429. # tarball due to ignores.
  430. my %exclude;
  431. my $reldir = File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::dir, $dir);
  432. my $cwd = getcwd();
  433. # Apply the pattern both from the top dir and from the inspected dir
  434. chdir $dir or syserr(g_("unable to chdir to '%s'"), $dir);
  435. $exclude{$_} = 1 foreach glob($tar_ignore_glob);
  436. chdir $cwd or syserr(g_("unable to chdir to '%s'"), $cwd);
  437. chdir($File::Find::dir)
  438. or syserr(g_("unable to chdir to '%s'"), $File::Find::dir);
  439. $exclude{$_} = 1 foreach glob($tar_ignore_glob);
  440. chdir $cwd or syserr(g_("unable to chdir to '%s'"), $cwd);
  441. my @result;
  442. foreach my $fn (@_) {
  443. unless (exists $exclude{$fn} or exists $exclude{"$reldir/$fn"}) {
  444. push @result, $fn;
  445. }
  446. }
  447. return @result;
  448. };
  449. find({ wanted => $check_binary, preprocess => $filter_ignore,
  450. no_chdir => 1 }, File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'debian'));
  451. error(P_('detected %d unwanted binary file (add it in ' .
  452. 'debian/source/include-binaries to allow its inclusion).',
  453. 'detected %d unwanted binary files (add them in ' .
  454. 'debian/source/include-binaries to allow their inclusion).',
  455. $unwanted_binaries), $unwanted_binaries)
  456. if $unwanted_binaries;
  457. # Handle modified binary files detected by the auto-patch generation
  458. my $handle_binary = sub {
  459. my ($self, $old, $new, %opts) = @_;
  460. my $file = $opts{filename};
  461. $binaryfiles->new_binary_found($file);
  462. unless ($include_binaries or $binaryfiles->binary_is_allowed($file)) {
  463. errormsg(g_('cannot represent change to %s: %s'), $file,
  464. g_('binary file contents changed'));
  465. errormsg(g_('add %s in debian/source/include-binaries if you want ' .
  466. 'to store the modified binary in the debian tarball'),
  467. $file);
  468. $self->register_error();
  469. }
  470. };
  471. # Create a patch
  472. my $autopatch = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches',
  473. $self->get_autopatch_name());
  474. my $tmpdiff = $self->generate_patch($dir, order_from => $autopatch,
  475. header_from => $autopatch,
  476. handle_binary => $handle_binary,
  477. skip_auto => $self->{options}{auto_commit},
  478. usage => 'build');
  479. unless (-z $tmpdiff or $self->{options}{auto_commit}) {
  480. info(g_('you can integrate the local changes with %s'),
  481. 'dpkg-source --commit');
  482. error(g_('aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see %s'),
  483. $tmpdiff);
  484. }
  485. push_exit_handler(sub { unlink($tmpdiff) });
  486. $binaryfiles->update_debian_source_include_binaries() if $include_binaries;
  487. # Install the diff as the new autopatch
  488. if ($self->{options}{auto_commit}) {
  489. make_path(File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'debian', 'patches'));
  490. $autopatch = $self->register_patch($dir, $tmpdiff,
  491. $self->get_autopatch_name());
  492. info(g_('local changes have been recorded in a new patch: %s'),
  493. $autopatch) if -e $autopatch;
  494. rmdir(File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'debian', 'patches')); # No check on purpose
  495. }
  496. unlink($tmpdiff) or syserr(g_('cannot remove %s'), $tmpdiff);
  497. pop_exit_handler();
  498. # Create the debian.tar
  499. my $debianfile = "$basenamerev.debian.tar." . $self->{options}{comp_ext};
  500. info(g_('building %s in %s'), $sourcepackage, $debianfile);
  501. my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $debianfile,
  502. compression_level => $self->{options}{comp_level});
  503. $tar->create(options => \@tar_ignore, chdir => $dir);
  504. $tar->add_directory('debian');
  505. foreach my $binary ($binaryfiles->get_seen_binaries()) {
  506. $tar->add_file($binary) unless $binary =~ m{^debian/};
  507. }
  508. $tar->finish();
  509. $self->add_file($debianfile);
  510. }
  511. sub get_patch_header {
  512. my ($self, $dir) = @_;
  513. my $ph = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'source', 'local-patch-header');
  514. unless (-f $ph) {
  515. $ph = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'source', 'patch-header');
  516. }
  517. my $text;
  518. if (-f $ph) {
  519. open(my $ph_fh, '<', $ph) or syserr(g_('cannot read %s'), $ph);
  520. $text = file_slurp($ph_fh);
  521. close($ph_fh);
  522. return $text;
  523. }
  524. my $ch_info = changelog_parse(offset => 0, count => 1,
  525. file => File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'changelog'));
  526. return '' if not defined $ch_info;
  527. my $header = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_UNKNOWN);
  528. $header->{'Description'} = "<short summary of the patch>\n";
  529. $header->{'Description'} .=
  530. "TODO: Put a short summary on the line above and replace this paragraph
  531. with a longer explanation of this change. Complete the meta-information
  532. with other relevant fields (see below for details). To make it easier, the
  533. information below has been extracted from the changelog. Adjust it or drop
  534. it.\n";
  535. $header->{'Description'} .= $ch_info->{'Changes'} . "\n";
  536. $header->{'Author'} = $ch_info->{'Maintainer'};
  537. $text = "$header";
  538. run_vendor_hook('extend-patch-header', \$text, $ch_info);
  539. $text .= "\n---
  540. The information above should follow the Patch Tagging Guidelines, please
  541. checkout http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ to learn about the format. Here
  542. are templates for supplementary fields that you might want to add:
  543. Origin: <vendor|upstream|other>, <url of original patch>
  544. Bug: <url in upstream bugtracker>
  545. Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/<bugnumber>
  546. Bug-Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/bugs/<bugnumber>
  547. Forwarded: <no|not-needed|url proving that it has been forwarded>
  548. Reviewed-By: <name and email of someone who approved the patch>
  549. Last-Update: <YYYY-MM-DD>\n\n";
  550. return $text;
  551. }
  552. sub register_patch {
  553. my ($self, $dir, $patch_file, $patch_name) = @_;
  554. my $patch = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', $patch_name);
  555. if (-s $patch_file) {
  556. copy($patch_file, $patch)
  557. or syserr(g_('failed to copy %s to %s'), $patch_file, $patch);
  558. chmod(0666 & ~ umask(), $patch)
  559. or syserr(g_("unable to change permission of '%s'"), $patch);
  560. my $applied = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', '.dpkg-source-applied');
  561. open(my $applied_fh, '>>', $applied)
  562. or syserr(g_('cannot write %s'), $applied);
  563. print { $applied_fh } "$patch\n";
  564. close($applied_fh) or syserr(g_('cannot close %s'), $applied);
  565. } elsif (-e $patch) {
  566. unlink($patch) or syserr(g_('cannot remove %s'), $patch);
  567. }
  568. return $patch;
  569. }
  570. sub _is_bad_patch_name {
  571. my ($dir, $patch_name) = @_;
  572. return 1 if not defined($patch_name);
  573. return 1 if not length($patch_name);
  574. my $patch = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'patches', $patch_name);
  575. if (-e $patch) {
  576. warning(g_('cannot register changes in %s, this patch already exists'),
  577. $patch);
  578. return 1;
  579. }
  580. return 0;
  581. }
  582. sub do_commit {
  583. my ($self, $dir) = @_;
  584. my ($patch_name, $tmpdiff) = @{$self->{options}{ARGV}};
  585. $self->prepare_build($dir);
  586. # Try to fix up a broken relative filename for the patch
  587. if ($tmpdiff and not -e $tmpdiff) {
  588. $tmpdiff = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $tmpdiff)
  589. unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($tmpdiff);
  590. error(g_("patch file '%s' doesn't exist"), $tmpdiff) if not -e $tmpdiff;
  591. }
  592. my $binaryfiles = Dpkg::Source::Package::V2::BinaryFiles->new($dir);
  593. my $handle_binary = sub {
  594. my ($self, $old, $new, %opts) = @_;
  595. my $fn = File::Spec->abs2rel($new, $dir);
  596. $binaryfiles->new_binary_found($fn);
  597. };
  598. unless ($tmpdiff) {
  599. $tmpdiff = $self->generate_patch($dir, handle_binary => $handle_binary,
  600. usage => 'commit');
  601. $binaryfiles->update_debian_source_include_binaries();
  602. }
  603. push_exit_handler(sub { unlink($tmpdiff) });
  604. unless (-s $tmpdiff) {
  605. unlink($tmpdiff) or syserr(g_('cannot remove %s'), $tmpdiff);
  606. info(g_('there are no local changes to record'));
  607. return;
  608. }
  609. while (_is_bad_patch_name($dir, $patch_name)) {
  610. # Ask the patch name interactively
  611. print g_('Enter the desired patch name: ');
  612. $patch_name = <STDIN>;
  613. next unless defined $patch_name;
  614. chomp $patch_name;
  615. $patch_name =~ s/\s+/-/g;
  616. $patch_name =~ s/\///g;
  617. }
  618. make_path(File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'debian', 'patches'));
  619. my $patch = $self->register_patch($dir, $tmpdiff, $patch_name);
  620. my @editors = ('sensible-editor', $ENV{VISUAL}, $ENV{EDITOR}, 'vi');
  621. my $editor = first { find_command($_) } @editors;
  622. if (not $editor) {
  623. error(g_('cannot find an editor'));
  624. }
  625. system($editor, $patch);
  626. subprocerr($editor) if $?;
  627. unlink($tmpdiff) or syserr(g_('cannot remove %s'), $tmpdiff);
  628. pop_exit_handler();
  629. info(g_('local changes have been recorded in a new patch: %s'), $patch);
  630. }
  631. package Dpkg::Source::Package::V2::BinaryFiles;
  632. use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
  633. use Dpkg::Gettext;
  634. use File::Path;
  635. sub new {
  636. my ($this, $dir) = @_;
  637. my $class = ref($this) || $this;
  638. my $self = {
  639. dir => $dir,
  640. allowed_binaries => {},
  641. seen_binaries => {},
  642. include_binaries_path =>
  643. File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'debian', 'source', 'include-binaries'),
  644. };
  645. bless $self, $class;
  646. $self->load_allowed_binaries();
  647. return $self;
  648. }
  649. sub new_binary_found {
  650. my ($self, $path) = @_;
  651. $self->{seen_binaries}{$path} = 1;
  652. }
  653. sub load_allowed_binaries {
  654. my $self = shift;
  655. my $incbin_file = $self->{include_binaries_path};
  656. if (-f $incbin_file) {
  657. open(my $incbin_fh, '<', $incbin_file)
  658. or syserr(g_('cannot read %s'), $incbin_file);
  659. while (<$incbin_fh>) {
  660. chomp; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//;
  661. next if /^#/ or length == 0;
  662. $self->{allowed_binaries}{$_} = 1;
  663. }
  664. close($incbin_fh);
  665. }
  666. }
  667. sub binary_is_allowed {
  668. my ($self, $path) = @_;
  669. return 1 if exists $self->{allowed_binaries}{$path};
  670. return 0;
  671. }
  672. sub update_debian_source_include_binaries {
  673. my $self = shift;
  674. my @unknown_binaries = $self->get_unknown_binaries();
  675. return unless scalar(@unknown_binaries);
  676. my $incbin_file = $self->{include_binaries_path};
  677. make_path(File::Spec->catdir($self->{dir}, 'debian', 'source'));
  678. open(my $incbin_fh, '>>', $incbin_file)
  679. or syserr(g_('cannot write %s'), $incbin_file);
  680. foreach my $binary (@unknown_binaries) {
  681. print { $incbin_fh } "$binary\n";
  682. info(g_('adding %s to %s'), $binary, 'debian/source/include-binaries');
  683. $self->{allowed_binaries}{$binary} = 1;
  684. }
  685. close($incbin_fh);
  686. }
  687. sub get_unknown_binaries {
  688. my $self = shift;
  689. return grep { not $self->binary_is_allowed($_) } $self->get_seen_binaries();
  690. }
  691. sub get_seen_binaries {
  692. my $self = shift;
  693. my @seen = sort keys %{$self->{seen_binaries}};
  694. return @seen;
  695. }
  696. 1;