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dpkg-split: Rewrite mksplit in C

Guillem Jover 14 years ago
6 changed files with 210 additions and 122 deletions
  1. 1 0
  2. 0 1
  3. 0 1
  4. 0 15
  5. 0 89
  6. 209 16

+ 1 - 0

@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ dpkg (1.15.8) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
     stat_halfconfigured and “removal-failed” for stat_halfinstalled.
   * Check version syntax when parsing it from libdpkg based programs.
     Closes: #574704
+  * Rewrite mksplit in C, and merge it into dpkg-split.
   [ Updated programs translations ]
   * Catalan (Guillem Jover).

+ 0 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ usr/bin/dpkg-split

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1,2 +1 @@

+ 0 - 15

@@ -24,20 +24,5 @@ dpkg_split_LDADD = \
 	../lib/compat/libcompat.a \
-pkglib_SCRIPTS = mksplit
-do_perl_subst = $(AM_V_GEN) sed -e "s:^\#![:space:]*/usr/bin/perl:\#!$(PERL):"
-%: Makefile
-	@test -d `dirname $@` || $(mkdir_p) `dirname $@`
-	$(do_perl_subst) <$< >$@
-	$(AM_V_at) chmod +x $@
 	$(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(admindir)/parts

+ 0 - 89

@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl --
-# This script is only supposed to be called by dpkg-split.
-# Its arguments are:
-#  <sourcefile> <partsize> <prefix> <totalsize> <partsizeallow> <msdostruncyesno>
-# Stdin is also redirected from the source archive by dpkg-split.
-# Copyright © 1995 Ian Jackson <>
-# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-@ARGV == 6 || die "mksplit: bad invocation\n";
-($sourcefile,$partsize,$prefix,$orgsize,$partsizeallow,$msdos) = @ARGV;
-sub output {
-    $!=0; $rv= `$_[0]`; $? && die "mksplit $_[0]: $! $?\n";
-    $rv =~ s/\n$//; $rv =~ s/\s+$//; $rv =~ s/^\s+//;
-    $rv;
-$csum= &output("md5sum <\"$sourcefile\"");
-$csum =~ s/\s.*//;
-$package= &output("dpkg-deb --field \"$sourcefile\" Package");
-$version= &output("dpkg-deb --field \"$sourcefile\" Version");
-$revision= &output("dpkg-deb --field \"$sourcefile\" Package_Revision");
-$version.= "-$revision" if length($revision);
-print("Splitting package $package into $nparts parts: ");
-$msdos= ($msdos eq 'yes');
-if ($msdos) {
-    $prefixdir= $prefix; $prefixdir =~ s:(/?)/*[^/]+$:$1:;
-    $cleanprefix= $prefix; $cleanprefix =~ s:^.*/+::;
-    $cleanprefix =~ y/A-Za-z0-9+/a-za-z0-9x/;
-    $cleanprefix =~ y/a-z0-9//cd;
-sub add {
-    $data .=
-        sprintf("%-16s%-12d0     0     100644  %-10d%c\n%s%s",
-                $_[0], time, length($_[1]), 0140, $_[1],
-                (length($_[1]) & 1) ? "\n" : "");
-while ($startat < $orgsize) {
-    $dsp= "$myversion\n$package\n$version\n$csum\n$orgsize\n$partsize\n".
-          "$showpartnum/$nparts\n";
-    defined($thispartreallen= read(STDIN,$pd,$partsize)) || die "mksplit: read: $!\n";
-    $data= "!<arch>\n";
-    print("$showpartnum ");
-    &add('debian-split',$dsp);
-    &add("data.$showpartnum",$pd);
-    if ($thispartreallen > $partsizeallow) {
-        die "Header is too long, making part too long.  Your package name or version\n".
-            "numbers must be extraordinarily long, or something.  Giving up.\n";
-    }
-    if ($msdos) {
-        $basename= "${showpartnum}of$nparts.$cleanprefix";
-        $basename= substr($basename,0,9);
-        $basename =~ s/^([^.]*)\.(.*)$/$2$1/;
-        $basename= "$prefixdir$basename";
-    } else {
-        $basename= "$prefix.${showpartnum}of$nparts";
-    }
-    open(O,"> $basename.deb") || die("mksplit: open $basename.deb: $!\n");
-    print(O $data) || die("mksplit: write $basename.deb: $!\n");
-    close(O) || die("mksplit: close $basename.deb: $!\n");
-    $startat += $partsize;
-    $showpartnum++;

+ 209 - 16

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
  * split.c - splitting archives
  * Copyright © 1995 Ian Jackson <>
+ * Copyright © 2010 Guillem Jover <>
  * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -21,11 +22,17 @@
 #include <config.h>
 #include <compat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <limits.h>
+#include <errno.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
+#include <libgen.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <time.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -33,16 +40,210 @@
 #include <dpkg/i18n.h>
 #include <dpkg/dpkg.h>
 #include <dpkg/dpkg-db.h>
+#include <dpkg/subproc.h>
+#include <dpkg/buffer.h>
+#include <dpkg/ar.h>
 #include <dpkg/myopt.h>
 #include "dpkg-split.h"
+static char *
+deb_field(const char *filename, const char *field)
+	pid_t pid;
+	int p[2];
+	struct varbuf buf = VARBUF_INIT;
+	char *end;
+	m_pipe(p);
+	pid = subproc_fork();
+	if (pid == 0) {
+		/* Child writes to pipe. */
+		m_dup2(p[1], 1);
+		close(p[0]);
+		close(p[1]);
+		execlp(BACKEND, BACKEND, "--field", filename, field, NULL);
+		ohshite(_("failed to exec dpkg-deb to extract field value"));
+	}
+	close(p[1]);
+	/* Parant reads from pipe. */
+	varbufreset(&buf);
+	fd_vbuf_copy(p[0], &buf, -1, _("dpkg-deb field extraction"));
+	varbufaddc(&buf, '\0');
+	close(p[0]);
+	subproc_wait_check(pid, _("dpkg-deb field extraction"), PROCPIPE);
+	/* Trim down trailing junk. */
+	for (end = buf.buf + strlen(buf.buf) - 1; end - buf.buf >= 1; end--)
+		if (isspace(*end))
+			*end = '\0';
+		else
+			break;
+	return varbuf_detach(&buf);
+/* Cleanup filename for use in crippled msdos systems. */
+static char *
+clean_msdos_filename(char *filename)
+	char *d, *s;
+	for (s = d = filename; *s; d++, s++) {
+		if (*s == '+')
+			*d = 'x';
+		else if (isupper(*s))
+			*d = tolower(*s);
+		else if (islower(*s) || isdigit(*s))
+			*d = *s;
+		else
+			s++;
+	}
+	return filename;
+static int
+mksplit(const char *file_src, const char *prefix, size_t partsize,
+        size_t maxpartsize, bool msdos)
+	int fd_src;
+	struct stat st;
+	char hash[MD5HASHLEN + 1];
+	char *package, *version;
+	int nparts, curpart;
+	off_t startat;
+	char *prefixdir = NULL, *msdos_prefix = NULL;
+	struct varbuf file_dst = VARBUF_INIT;
+	struct varbuf partmagic = VARBUF_INIT;
+	struct varbuf partname = VARBUF_INIT;
+	char *partdata;
+	fd_src = open(file_src, O_RDONLY);
+	if (fd_src < 0)
+		ohshite(_("unable to open source file `%.250s'"), file_src);
+	if (fstat(fd_src, &st))
+		ohshite(_("unable to fstat source file"));
+	if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
+		ohshit(_("source file `%.250s' not a plain file"), file_src);
+	fd_md5(fd_src, hash, -1, "md5hash");
+	lseek(fd_src, 0, SEEK_SET);
+	/* FIXME: Use libdpkg-deb. */
+	package = deb_field(file_src, "Package");
+	version = deb_field(file_src, "Version");
+	nparts = (st.st_size + partsize - 1) / partsize;
+	setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+	printf("Splitting package %s into %d parts: ", package, nparts);
+	if (msdos) {
+		char *t;
+		t = m_strdup(prefix);
+		prefixdir = m_strdup(dirname(t));
+		free(t);
+		t = m_strdup(prefix);
+		msdos_prefix = m_strdup(basename(t));
+		free(t);
+		prefix = clean_msdos_filename(msdos_prefix);
+	}
+	partdata = m_malloc(partsize);
+	curpart = 1;
+	for (startat = 0; startat < st.st_size; startat += partsize) {
+		int fd_dst;
+		ssize_t partrealsize;
+		varbufreset(&file_dst);
+		/* Generate output filename. */
+		if (msdos) {
+			struct varbuf refname = VARBUF_INIT;
+			int prefix_max;
+			varbufprintf(&refname, "%dof%d", curpart, nparts);
+			prefix_max = max(8 - strlen(refname.buf), 0);
+			varbufprintf(&file_dst, "%s/%.*s%.8s.deb",
+			             prefixdir, prefix_max, prefix,
+			             refname.buf);
+			varbuf_destroy(&refname);
+		} else {
+			varbufprintf(&file_dst, "%s.%dof%d.deb",
+			             prefix, curpart, nparts);
+		}
+		/* Read data from the original package. */
+		partrealsize = read(fd_src, partdata, partsize);
+		if (partrealsize < 0)
+			ohshite("mksplit: read");
+		if ((size_t)partrealsize > maxpartsize) {
+			ohshit("Header is too long, making part too long. "
+			       "Your package name or version\n"
+			       "numbers must be extraordinarily long, "
+			       "or something. Giving up.\n");
+		}
+		/* Split the data. */
+		fd_dst = open(file_dst.buf, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644);
+		if (fd_dst < 0)
+			ohshite(_("unable to open file '%s'"), file_dst.buf);
+		/* Write the ar header. */
+		dpkg_ar_put_magic(file_dst.buf, fd_dst);
+		/* Write the debian-split part. */
+		varbufprintf(&partmagic, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%zu\n%zu\n%d/%d\n",
+		             SPLITVERSION, package, version, hash,
+		             st.st_size, partsize, curpart, nparts);
+		dpkg_ar_member_put_mem(file_dst.buf, fd_dst, PARTMAGIC,
+		                       partmagic.buf, partmagic.used);
+		varbufreset(&partmagic);
+		/* Write the data part. */
+		varbufprintf(&partname, "data.%d", curpart);
+		dpkg_ar_member_put_mem(file_dst.buf, fd_dst, partname.buf,
+		                       partdata, (size_t)partrealsize);
+		varbufreset(&partname);
+		close(fd_dst);
+		printf("%d ", curpart);
+		curpart++;
+	}
+	varbuf_destroy(&file_dst);
+	varbuf_destroy(&partname);
+	varbuf_destroy(&partmagic);
+	free(partdata);
+	free(prefixdir);
+	free(msdos_prefix);
+	close(fd_src);
+	printf("done\n");
+	return 0;
 void do_split(const char *const *argv) {
   const char *sourcefile, *prefix;
   char *palloc;
-  int l, fd;
-  char partsizebuf[30], lengthbuf[30], partsizeallowbuf[30];
-  struct stat stab;
+  int l;
+  size_t partsize;
   sourcefile= *argv++;
   if (!sourcefile)
@@ -60,17 +261,9 @@ void do_split(const char *const *argv) {
     prefix= palloc;
-  sprintf(partsizebuf,"%ld",maxpartsize-HEADERALLOWANCE);
-  sprintf(partsizeallowbuf,"%ld",maxpartsize);
-  fd= open(sourcefile,O_RDONLY);
-  if (fd < 0)
-    ohshite(_("unable to open source file `%.250s'"), sourcefile);
-  if (fstat(fd,&stab)) ohshite(_("unable to fstat source file"));
-  if (!S_ISREG(stab.st_mode)) ohshit(_("source file `%.250s' not a plain file"),sourcefile);
-  sprintf(lengthbuf,"%lu",(unsigned long)stab.st_size);
-  m_dup2(fd,0);
-        sourcefile,partsizebuf,prefix,lengthbuf,partsizeallowbuf,msdos?"yes":"no",
-        NULL);
-  ohshite(_("unable to exec mksplit"));
+  partsize = maxpartsize - HEADERALLOWANCE;
+  mksplit(sourcefile, prefix, partsize, maxpartsize, msdos);
+  exit(0);