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dpkg-shlibdeps: Improve ELF ABI mismatch detector

The previous ELF ABI mismatch detector was very naïve, as the string
returned by «objdump -a» is a very simplistic representation of the
ELF ABI used.

Switch to our own ELF header parser, so that we can distinguish based
on the fields that define the object ABI.

This is still not enough, and we will have collisions with things such
as linux-i386 and hurd-i386, but most of the previously colliding
objects are now filtered.

This also makes us independent of objdump not supporting any unknown
ELF object ABI.

Closes: #849913
Guillem Jover 7 years ago
4 changed files with 113 additions and 33 deletions
  1. 5 0
  2. 3 0
  3. 99 28
  4. 6 5

+ 5 - 0

@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ dpkg (1.18.19) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * Generate Testsuite-Restrictions fields from the test restrictions in
     dpkg-source into .dsc files. Closes: #847926
     Based on a patch by Iain Lane <>.
+  * Improve the ELF ABI mismatch detector in dpkg-shlibdeps, by parsing the
+    ELF header ourselves. While still not perfect (things like linux-i386 and
+    hurd-i386 will still match), it will filter lots of previously matching
+    objects that should have been ignored, and will work even when objdump
+    does not know about the specific object details. Closes: #849913
   * Portability:
     - On GNU/Hurd try to use the new process executable name attribute from
       libps, to properly match on start-stop-daemon --exec.

+ 3 - 0

@@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ sub find_library {
 	    my $libformat = Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump::get_format("$checkdir/$lib");
 	    if ($format eq $libformat) {
 		push @libs, canonpath("$checkdir/$lib");
+	    } else {
+		debug(1, "Skipping lib $checkdir/$lib, libabi=0x%s != objabi=0x%s",
+		      unpack('H*', $libformat), unpack('H*', $format));

+ 99 - 28

@@ -83,40 +83,109 @@ sub has_object {
     return exists $self->{objects}{$objid};
+use constant {
+    ELF_BITS_NONE           => 0,
+    ELF_BITS_32             => 1,
+    ELF_BITS_64             => 2,
+    ELF_ORDER_NONE          => 0,
+    ELF_ORDER_2LSB          => 1,
+    ELF_ORDER_2MSB          => 2,
+    ELF_MACH_MIPS           => 8,
+    ELF_MACH_PPC64          => 21,
+    ELF_MACH_ARM            => 40,
+    ELF_MACH_SH             => 42,
+    ELF_MACH_IA64           => 50,
+    ELF_VERSION_NONE        => 0,
+    ELF_VERSION_CURRENT     => 1,
+    # List of processor flags that might influence the ABI.
+    ELF_FLAG_ARM_ALIGN8     => 0x00000040,
+    ELF_FLAG_ARM_NEW_ABI    => 0x00000080,
+    ELF_FLAG_ARM_OLD_ABI    => 0x00000100,
+    ELF_FLAG_ARM_SOFT_FLOAT => 0x00000200,
+    ELF_FLAG_ARM_HARD_FLOAT => 0x00000400,
+    ELF_FLAG_ARM_EABI_MASK  => 0xff000000,
+    ELF_FLAG_IA64_ABI64     => 0x00000010,
+    ELF_FLAG_MIPS_ABI2      => 0x00000020,
+    ELF_FLAG_MIPS_32BIT     => 0x00000100,
+    ELF_FLAG_MIPS_FP64      => 0x00000200,
+    ELF_FLAG_MIPS_NAN2008   => 0x00000400,
+    ELF_FLAG_MIPS_ABI_MASK  => 0x0000f000,
+    ELF_FLAG_MIPS_ARCH_MASK => 0xf0000000,
+    ELF_FLAG_PPC64_ABI64    => 0x00000003,
+    ELF_FLAG_SH_MACH_MASK   => 0x0000001f,
+# These masks will try to expose processor flags that are ABI incompatible,
+# and as such are part of defining the architecture ABI. If uncertain it is
+# always better to not mask a flag, because that preserves the historical
+# behavior, and we do not drop dependencies.
+my %elf_flags_mask = (
+                           ELF_FLAG_ARM_NEW_ABI | ELF_FLAG_ARM_OLD_ABI |
+                           ELF_FLAG_ARM_SOFT_FLOAT | ELF_FLAG_ARM_HARD_FLOAT,
+    ELF_MACH_IA64()     => ELF_FLAG_IA64_ABI64,
+                           ELF_FLAG_MIPS_ABI2,
+    ELF_MACH_PPC64()    => ELF_FLAG_PPC64_ABI64,
 sub get_format {
-    my ($file, $objdump) = @_;
+    my ($file) = @_;
     state %format;
-    $objdump //= $OBJDUMP;
+    return $format{$file} if exists $format{$file};
-    if (exists $format{$file}) {
-        return $format{$file};
-    } else {
-        my ($output, %opts, $pid, $res);
-        local $_;
+    my $header;
-        if ($objdump ne 'objdump') {
-            $opts{error_to_file} = '/dev/null';
-        }
-        $pid = spawn(exec => [ $objdump, '-a', '--', $file ],
-                     env => { LC_ALL => 'C' },
-                     to_pipe => \$output, %opts);
-        while (<$output>) {
-            chomp;
-            if (/^\s*\S+:\s*file\s+format\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
-                $format{$file} = $1;
-                $res = $format{$file};
-                last;
-            }
-        }
-        close($output);
-        wait_child($pid, nocheck => 1);
-        if ($?) {
-            subprocerr('objdump') if $objdump eq 'objdump';
-            $res = get_format($file, 'objdump');
-        }
-        return $res;
+    open my $fh, '<', $file or syserr(g_('cannot read %s'), $file);
+    read($fh, $header, 64) == 64 or syserr(g_('cannot read %s'), $file);
+    close $fh;
+    my %elf;
+    # Unpack the identifier field.
+    @elf{qw(magic bits endian vertype osabi verabi)} = unpack 'a4C5', $header;
+    return unless $elf{magic} eq "\x7fELF";
+    return unless $elf{vertype} == ELF_VERSION_CURRENT;
+    my ($elf_word, $elf_endian);
+    if ($elf{bits} == ELF_BITS_32) {
+        $elf_word = 'L';
+    } elsif ($elf{bits} == ELF_BITS_64) {
+        $elf_word = 'Q';
+    } elsif ($elf{bits} == ELF_BITS_NONE) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if ($elf{endian} == ELF_ORDER_2LSB) {
+        $elf_endian = '<';
+    } elsif ($elf{endian} == ELF_ORDER_2MSB) {
+        $elf_endian = '>';
+    } elsif ($elf{endian} == ELF_ORDER_NONE) {
+        return;
+    # Unpack the endianness and size dependent fields.
+    my $tmpl = "x16(S2Lx[${elf_word}3]L)${elf_endian}";
+    @elf{qw(type mach version flags)} = unpack $tmpl, $header;
+    # Mask any processor flags that might not change the architecture ABI.
+    $elf{flags} &= $elf_flags_mask{$elf{mach}} // 0;
+    # Repack for easy comparison.
+    $format{$file} = pack 'C2SL', @elf{qw(bits endian mach flags)};
+    return $format{$file};
 sub is_elf {
@@ -181,6 +250,8 @@ sub analyze {
     $self->{file} = $file;
+    $self->{exec_abi} = Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump::get_format($file);
     local $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
     open(my $objdump, '-|', $OBJDUMP, '-w', '-f', '-p', '-T', '-R', $file)
         or syserr(g_('cannot fork for %s'), $OBJDUMP);

+ 6 - 5

@@ -194,17 +194,18 @@ foreach my $file (keys %exec) {
     my %soname_notfound;
     my %alt_soname;
     foreach my $soname (@sonames) {
-	my @libs = my_find_library($soname, $obj->{RPATH}, $obj->{format}, $file);
+	my @libs = my_find_library($soname, $obj->{RPATH}, $obj->{exec_abi}, $file);
 	unless (scalar @libs) {
 	    $soname_notfound{$soname} = 1;
 	    $global_soname_notfound{$soname} = 1;
-	    my $msg = g_("couldn't find library %s needed by %s (ELF " .
-			 "format: '%s'; RPATH: '%s')");
+	    my $msg = g_('cannot find library %s needed by %s (ELF ' .
+	                 "format: '%s' abi: '%s'; RPATH: '%s')");
+	    my $exec_abi = unpack 'H*', $obj->{exec_abi};
 	    if (scalar(split_soname($soname))) {
-		errormsg($msg, $soname, $file, $obj->{format}, join(':', @{$obj->{RPATH}}));
+		errormsg($msg, $soname, $file, $obj->{format}, $exec_abi, join(':', @{$obj->{RPATH}}));
 	    } else {
-		warning($msg, $soname, $file, $obj->{format}, join(':', @{$obj->{RPATH}}));
+		warning($msg, $soname, $file, $obj->{format}, $exec_abi, join(':', @{$obj->{RPATH}}));