#import #import "FSSwitchState.h" @protocol FSSwitchDataSource @optional - (FSSwitchState)stateForSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Gets the current state of the switch. // Must override if building a settings-like switch. // Return FSSwitchStateIndeterminate if switch is loading // By default returns FSSwitchStateIndeterminate - (void)applyState:(FSSwitchState)newState forSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Sets the new state of the switch // Must override if building a settings-like switch. // By default calls through to applyActionForSwitchIdentifier: if newState is different from the current state - (void)applyActionForSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Runs the default action for the switch. // Must override if building an action-like switch. // By default calls through to applyState:forSwitchIdentifier: if state is not indeterminate - (NSString *)titleForSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Returns the localized title for the switch. // By default reads the CFBundleDisplayName out of the switch's bundle. - (BOOL)shouldShowSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Returns wether the switch should be shown. // By default returns YES or the value from GraphicsServices for the capability specified in the "required-capability-key" of the switch's bundle // E.g. You would detect if the device has the required capability (3G, flash etc) - (id)glyphImageDescriptorOfState:(FSSwitchState)switchState size:(CGFloat)size scale:(CGFloat)scale forSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Provide an image descriptor that best displays at the requested size and scale // By default looks through the bundle to find a glyph image - (NSBundle *)bundleForSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Provides a bundle to look for localizations/images in // By default returns the bundle for the current class - (void)switchWasRegisteredForIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Called when switch is first registered - (void)switchWasUnregisteredForIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Called when switch is unregistered - (BOOL)hasAlternateActionForSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Gets whether the switch supports an alternate or "hold" action // By default queries if switch responds to applyAlternateActionForSwitchIdentifier: or if it has a "alternate-action-url" key set - (void)applyAlternateActionForSwitchIdentifier:(NSString *)switchIdentifier; // Applies the alternate or "hold" action // By default launches the URL stored in the "alternate-action-url" key of the switch's bundle @end