byhash.h 634 B

  1. // -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
  2. // Description /*{{{*/
  3. /* ######################################################################
  4. ByHash
  5. ByHash helper functions
  6. ##################################################################### */
  7. /*}}}*/
  8. #ifndef BYHASH_H
  9. #define BYHASH_H
  10. #include <string>
  11. class HashString;
  12. // Delete all files in "dir" except for the number specified in "KeepFiles"
  13. // that are the most recent ones
  14. void DeleteAllButMostRecent(std::string dir, int KeepFiles);
  15. // takes a regular input filename
  16. std::string GenByHashFilename(std::string Input, HashString const &h);
  17. #endif