123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102 |
- include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag)
- # Flatten our header structure
- function(flatify target headers)
- foreach(header ${headers})
- get_filename_component(tgt ${header} NAME)
- configure_file(${header} ${target}/${tgt} COPYONLY)
- endforeach(header ${headers})
- endfunction()
- function(add_optional_compile_options flags)
- foreach(flag ${flags})
- check_cxx_compiler_flag(-${flag} have-compiler-flag:-${flag})
- if (have-compiler-flag:-${flag})
- add_compile_options("-${flag}")
- endif()
- endforeach()
- endfunction()
- # Substitute vendor references in a file
- function(add_vendor_file)
- set(options)
- set(oneValueArgs OUTPUT INPUT MODE)
- set(multiValueArgs VARIABLES)
- cmake_parse_arguments(AVF "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
- add_custom_command(
- OUTPUT ${out}
- -DIN=${in}
- -DOUT=${out}
- -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/vendor_substitute.cmake
- COMMAND chmod ${AVF_MODE} ${out}
- DEPENDS ${in}
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/apt-verbatim.ent
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/vendor/${CURRENT_VENDOR}/apt-vendor.ent
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/vendor/getinfo
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/vendor_substitute.cmake
- )
- # Woud like to use ${AVF_OUTPUT} as target name, but then ninja gets
- # cycles.
- add_custom_target(vendor-${AVF_OUTPUT} ALL DEPENDS ${out})
- endfunction()
- # Add symbolic links to a file
- function(add_slaves destination master)
- set(slaves "")
- foreach(slave ${ARGN})
- add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${slave}
- COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${master} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${slave})
- list(APPEND slaves ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${slave})
- endforeach()
- STRING(REPLACE "/" "-" master "${master}")
- add_custom_target(${master}-slaves ALL DEPENDS ${slaves})
- install(FILES ${slaves} DESTINATION ${destination})
- endfunction()
- # Generates a simple version script versioning everything with current SOVERSION
- function(add_version_script target)
- #get_target_property(soversion ${target} SOVERSION)
- #set(script "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.versionscript")
- #string(REPLACE "-" "" name "${target}_${soversion}")
- #string(TOUPPER "${name}" name)
- #add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${script}"
- # COMMAND echo "${name} {global: *; };" > "${script}"
- #add_custom_target(${target}-versionscript DEPENDS "${script}")
- #target_link_libraries(${target} PRIVATE -Wl,-version-script="${script}")
- #add_dependencies(${target} ${target}-versionscript)
- endfunction()
- function(path_join out path1 path2)
- string(SUBSTRING ${path2} 0 1 init_char)
- if ("${init_char}" STREQUAL "/")
- set(${out} "${path2}" PARENT_SCOPE)
- else()
- set(${out} "${path1}/${path2}" PARENT_SCOPE)
- endif()
- endfunction()
- # install_empty_directories(path ...)
- #
- # Creates empty directories in the install destination dir. Paths may be
- # absolute or relative; in the latter case, the value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
- # is prepended.
- function(install_empty_directories)
- foreach(path ${ARGN})
- path_join(full_path "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" "${path}")
- INSTALL(CODE "MESSAGE(STATUS \"Creating directory: \$ENV{DESTDIR}${full_path}\")"
- endforeach()
- endfunction()