apt-mark.8.xml 4.7 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
  3. "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
  4. <!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "apt.ent">
  5. %aptent;
  6. <!ENTITY % aptverbatiment SYSTEM "apt-verbatim.ent">
  7. %aptverbatiment;
  8. ]>
  9. <refentry>
  10. <refentryinfo>
  11. &apt-author.moconnor;
  12. &apt-author.team;
  13. &apt-email;
  14. &apt-product;
  15. <!-- The last update date -->
  16. <date>2011-04-21T00:00:00Z</date>
  17. </refentryinfo>
  18. <refmeta>
  19. <refentrytitle>apt-mark</refentrytitle>
  20. <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
  21. <refmiscinfo class="manual">APT</refmiscinfo>
  22. </refmeta>
  23. <!-- Man page title -->
  24. <refnamediv>
  25. <refname>apt-mark</refname>
  26. <refpurpose>mark/unmark a package as being automatically-installed</refpurpose>
  27. </refnamediv>
  28. &synopsis-command-apt-mark;
  29. <refsect1><title>Description</title>
  30. <para><command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has
  31. been marked as being automatically installed.
  32. </para>
  33. <para>
  34. When you request that a package is installed, and as a result
  35. other packages are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the
  36. dependencies are marked as being automatically installed. Once
  37. these automatically installed packages are no longer depended on
  38. by any manually installed packages, they will be removed by e.g.
  39. <command>apt-get</command> or <command>aptitude</command>.
  40. </para>
  41. <variablelist>
  42. <varlistentry><term><option>auto</option></term>
  43. <listitem><para><literal>auto</literal> is used to mark a
  44. package as being automatically installed, which will cause the
  45. package to be removed when no more manually installed packages
  46. depend on this package.
  47. </para></listitem>
  48. </varlistentry>
  49. <varlistentry><term><option>manual</option></term>
  50. <listitem><para><literal>manual</literal> is used to mark a
  51. package as being manually installed, which will prevent the
  52. package from being automatically removed if no other packages
  53. depend on it.
  54. </para></listitem>
  55. </varlistentry>
  56. <varlistentry><term><option>hold</option></term>
  57. <listitem><para><literal>hold</literal> is used to mark a
  58. package as hold back, which will prevent the package from being
  59. automatically installed, upgraded or removed.
  60. The command is only a wrapper around <command>dpkg --set-selections</command>
  61. and the state is therefore maintained by &dpkg; and not effected
  62. by the <option>--filename</option> option.
  63. </para></listitem>
  64. </varlistentry>
  65. <varlistentry><term><option>unhold</option></term>
  66. <listitem><para><literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a
  67. previously set hold on a package to allow all actions again.
  68. </para></listitem>
  69. </varlistentry>
  70. <varlistentry><term><option>showauto</option></term>
  71. <listitem><para><literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a
  72. list of automatically installed packages with each package on a new line.
  73. All automatically installed packages will be listed if no package is given.
  74. If packages are given only those which are automatically installed will be shown.
  75. </para></listitem>
  76. </varlistentry>
  77. <varlistentry><term><option>showmanual</option></term>
  78. <listitem><para><literal>showmanual</literal> can be used in
  79. the same way as <literal>showauto</literal> except that it will print
  80. a list of manually installed packages instead.
  81. </para></listitem>
  82. </varlistentry>
  83. <varlistentry><term><option>showhold</option></term>
  84. <listitem><para><literal>showhold</literal> is used to print a list
  85. of packages on hold in the same way as for the other show commands.
  86. </para></listitem>
  87. </varlistentry>
  88. </variablelist>
  89. </refsect1>
  90. <refsect1><title>options</title>
  91. <variablelist>
  92. <varlistentry>
  93. <term><option>-f=&synopsis-param-filename;</option></term>
  94. <term><option>--file=&synopsis-param-filename;</option></term>
  95. <listitem><para>
  96. Read/Write package stats from the filename given with the parameter
  97. &synopsis-param-filename; instead of from the default location, which
  98. is <filename>extended_status</filename> in the directory defined
  99. by the Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>.</para></listitem>
  100. </varlistentry>
  101. &apt-commonoptions;
  102. </variablelist>
  103. </refsect1>
  104. <refsect1><title>Files</title>
  105. <variablelist>
  106. &file-extended_states;
  107. </variablelist>
  108. </refsect1>
  109. <refsect1><title>See Also</title>
  110. <para><phrase>&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;</phrase></para>
  111. </refsect1>
  112. <refsect1><title>Diagnostics</title>
  113. <para><command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on error.</para>
  114. </refsect1>
  115. &manbugs;
  116. </refentry>