apt-cdrom.8.xml 5.2 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
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  9. <refentry>
  10. <refentryinfo>
  11. &apt-author.jgunthorpe;
  12. &apt-author.team;
  13. &apt-email;
  14. &apt-product;
  15. <date>2004-02-14T00:00:00Z</date>
  16. </refentryinfo>
  17. <refmeta>
  18. <refentrytitle>apt-cdrom</refentrytitle>
  19. <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
  20. <refmiscinfo class="manual">APT</refmiscinfo>
  21. </refmeta>
  22. <!-- Man page title -->
  23. <refnamediv>
  24. <refname>apt-cdrom</refname>
  25. <refpurpose>APT CDROM management utility</refpurpose>
  26. </refnamediv>
  27. &synopsis-command-apt-cdrom;
  28. <refsect1><title>Description</title>
  29. <para><command>apt-cdrom</command> is used to add a new CDROM to APTs list
  30. of available sources. <command>apt-cdrom</command> takes care of
  31. determining the structure of
  32. the disc as well as correcting for several possible mis-burns and
  33. verifying the index files.
  34. </para>
  35. <para>It is necessary to use <command>apt-cdrom</command> to add CDs to the
  36. APT system,
  37. it cannot be done by hand. Furthermore each disk in a multi-cd set must be
  38. inserted and scanned separately to account for possible mis-burns.
  39. </para>
  40. <para>Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is
  41. given, one of the commands below must be present.</para>
  42. <variablelist>
  43. <varlistentry><term><option>add</option></term>
  44. <listitem><para><literal>add</literal> is used to add a new disc to the
  45. source list. It will unmount the
  46. CDROM device, prompt for a disk to be inserted and then proceed to
  47. scan it and copy the index files. If the disc does not have a proper
  48. <filename>disk</filename> directory you will be prompted for a descriptive
  49. title.
  50. </para>
  51. <para>APT uses a CDROM ID to track which disc is currently in the drive and
  52. maintains a database of these IDs in
  53. <filename>&statedir;/cdroms.list</filename>
  54. </para>
  55. </listitem>
  56. </varlistentry>
  57. <varlistentry><term><option>ident</option></term>
  58. <listitem><para>A debugging tool to report the identity of the current
  59. disc as well as the stored file name
  60. </para>
  61. </listitem>
  62. </varlistentry>
  63. </variablelist>
  64. </refsect1>
  65. <refsect1><title>Options</title>
  66. &apt-cmdblurb;
  67. <variablelist>
  68. <varlistentry><term><option>-d</option></term><term><option>--cdrom</option></term>
  69. <listitem><para>Mount point; specify the location to mount the cdrom. This
  70. mount point must be listed in <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and
  71. properly configured.
  72. Configuration Item: <literal>Acquire::cdrom::mount</literal>.
  73. </para>
  74. </listitem>
  75. </varlistentry>
  76. <varlistentry><term><option>-r</option></term><term><option>--rename</option></term>
  77. <listitem><para>Rename a disc; change the label of a disk or override the
  78. disks given label. This option will cause <command>apt-cdrom</command> to
  79. prompt for a new label.
  80. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::Rename</literal>.
  81. </para>
  82. </listitem>
  83. </varlistentry>
  84. <varlistentry><term><option>-m</option></term><term><option>--no-mount</option></term>
  85. <listitem><para>No mounting; prevent <command>apt-cdrom</command> from
  86. mounting and unmounting the mount point.
  87. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::NoMount</literal>.
  88. </para>
  89. </listitem>
  90. </varlistentry>
  91. <varlistentry><term><option>-f</option></term><term><option>--fast</option></term>
  92. <listitem><para>Fast Copy; Assume the package files are valid and do not
  93. check every package. This option should be used only if
  94. <command>apt-cdrom</command> has been run on this disc before and did not
  95. detect any errors.
  96. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::Fast</literal>.
  97. </para>
  98. </listitem>
  99. </varlistentry>
  100. <varlistentry><term><option>-a</option></term><term><option>--thorough</option></term>
  101. <listitem><para>Thorough Package Scan; This option may be needed with some
  102. old Debian 1.1/1.2 discs that have Package files in strange places. It
  103. takes much longer to scan the CD but will pick them all up.
  104. </para>
  105. </listitem>
  106. </varlistentry>
  107. <varlistentry><term><option>-n</option></term>
  108. <term><option>--just-print</option></term>
  109. <term><option>--recon</option></term>
  110. <term><option>--no-act</option></term>
  111. <listitem><para>No Changes; Do not change the &sources-list; file and do
  112. not write index files. Everything is still checked however.
  113. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::NoAct</literal>.
  114. </para>
  115. </listitem>
  116. </varlistentry>
  117. &apt-commonoptions;
  118. </variablelist>
  119. </refsect1>
  120. <refsect1><title>See Also</title>
  121. <para>&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;
  122. </para>
  123. </refsect1>
  124. <refsect1><title>Diagnostics</title>
  125. <para><command>apt-cdrom</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on error.
  126. </para>
  127. </refsect1>
  128. &manbugs;
  129. </refentry>