123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314 |
- // -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
- // Description /*{{{*/
- // $Id: filelist.h,v 1.2 2001/02/20 07:03:16 jgg Exp $
- /* ######################################################################
- File Listing - Manages a Cache of File -> Package names.
- This is identical to the Package cache, except that the generator
- (which is much simpler) is integrated directly into the main class,
- and it has been designed to handle live updates.
- The storage content of the class is maintained in a memory map and is
- written directly to the file system. Performance is traded against
- space to give something that performs well and remains small.
- The average per file usage is 32 bytes which yeilds about a meg every
- 36k files. Directory paths are collected into a binary tree and stored
- only once, this offsets the cost of the hash nodes enough to keep
- memory usage slightly less than the sum of the filenames.
- The file names are stored into a fixed size chained hash table that is
- linked to the package name and to the directory component.
- Each file node has a set of associated flags that indicate the current
- state of the file.
- ##################################################################### */
- /*}}}*/
- #include <apt-pkg/mmap.h>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <string>
- class pkgFLCache
- {
- public:
- struct Header;
- struct Node;
- struct Directory;
- struct Package;
- struct Diversion;
- struct ConfFile;
- class NodeIterator;
- class DirIterator;
- class PkgIterator;
- class DiverIterator;
- protected:
- std::string CacheFile;
- DynamicMMap ⤅
- map_ptrloc LastTreeLookup;
- unsigned long LastLookupSize;
- // Helpers for the addition algorithms
- map_ptrloc TreeLookup(map_ptrloc *Base,const char *Text,const char *TextEnd,
- unsigned long Size,unsigned int *Count = 0,
- bool Insert = false);
- public:
- // Pointers to the arrays of items
- Header *HeaderP;
- Node *NodeP;
- Directory *DirP;
- Package *PkgP;
- Diversion *DiverP;
- ConfFile *ConfP;
- char *StrP;
- unsigned char *AnyP;
- // Quick accessors
- Node *FileHash;
- // Accessors
- Header &Head() {return *HeaderP;};
- void PrintTree(map_ptrloc Base,unsigned long Size);
- // Add/Find things
- PkgIterator GetPkg(const char *Name,const char *End,bool Insert);
- inline PkgIterator GetPkg(const char *Name,bool Insert);
- NodeIterator GetNode(const char *Name,
- const char *NameEnd,
- map_ptrloc Loc,
- bool Insert,bool Divert);
- Node *HashNode(NodeIterator const &N);
- void DropNode(map_ptrloc Node);
- inline DiverIterator DiverBegin();
- // Diversion control
- void BeginDiverLoad();
- void FinishDiverLoad();
- bool AddDiversion(PkgIterator const &Owner,const char *From,
- const char *To);
- bool AddConfFile(const char *Name,const char *NameEnd,
- PkgIterator const &Owner,const unsigned char *Sum);
- pkgFLCache(DynamicMMap &Map);
- // ~pkgFLCache();
- };
- struct pkgFLCache::Header
- {
- // Signature information
- unsigned long Signature;
- short MajorVersion;
- short MinorVersion;
- bool Dirty;
- // Size of structure values
- unsigned HeaderSz;
- unsigned NodeSz;
- unsigned DirSz;
- unsigned PackageSz;
- unsigned DiversionSz;
- unsigned ConfFileSz;
- // Structure Counts;
- unsigned int NodeCount;
- unsigned int DirCount;
- unsigned int PackageCount;
- unsigned int DiversionCount;
- unsigned int ConfFileCount;
- unsigned int HashSize;
- unsigned long UniqNodes;
- // Offsets
- map_ptrloc FileHash;
- map_ptrloc DirTree;
- map_ptrloc Packages;
- map_ptrloc Diversions;
- /* Allocation pools, there should be one of these for each structure
- excluding the header */
- DynamicMMap::Pool Pools[5];
- bool CheckSizes(Header &Against) const;
- Header();
- };
- /* The bit field is used to advoid incurring an extra 4 bytes x 40000,
- Pointer is the most infrequently used member of the structure */
- struct pkgFLCache::Node
- {
- map_ptrloc Dir; // Dir
- map_ptrloc File; // String
- unsigned Pointer:24; // Package/Diversion/ConfFile
- unsigned Flags:8; // Package
- map_ptrloc Next; // Node
- map_ptrloc NextPkg; // Node
- enum Flags {Diversion = (1<<0),ConfFile = (1<<1),
- NewConfFile = (1<<2),NewFile = (1<<3),
- Unpacked = (1<<4),Replaced = (1<<5)};
- };
- struct pkgFLCache::Directory
- {
- map_ptrloc Left; // Directory
- map_ptrloc Right; // Directory
- map_ptrloc Name; // String
- };
- struct pkgFLCache::Package
- {
- map_ptrloc Left; // Package
- map_ptrloc Right; // Package
- map_ptrloc Name; // String
- map_ptrloc Files; // Node
- };
- struct pkgFLCache::Diversion
- {
- map_ptrloc OwnerPkg; // Package
- map_ptrloc DivertFrom; // Node
- map_ptrloc DivertTo; // String
- map_ptrloc Next; // Diversion
- unsigned long Flags;
- enum Flags {Touched = (1<<0)};
- };
- struct pkgFLCache::ConfFile
- {
- map_ptrloc OwnerPkg; // Package
- unsigned char MD5[16];
- };
- class pkgFLCache::PkgIterator
- {
- Package *Pkg;
- pkgFLCache *Owner;
- public:
- inline bool end() const {return Owner == 0 || Pkg == Owner->PkgP?true:false;}
- // Accessors
- inline Package *operator ->() {return Pkg;}
- inline Package const *operator ->() const {return Pkg;}
- inline Package const &operator *() const {return *Pkg;}
- inline operator Package *() {return Pkg == Owner->PkgP?0:Pkg;}
- inline operator Package const *() const {return Pkg == Owner->PkgP?0:Pkg;}
- inline unsigned long Offset() const {return Pkg - Owner->PkgP;}
- inline const char *Name() const {return Pkg->Name == 0?0:Owner->StrP + Pkg->Name;}
- inline pkgFLCache::NodeIterator Files() const;
- PkgIterator() : Pkg(0), Owner(0) {}
- PkgIterator(pkgFLCache &Owner,Package *Trg) : Pkg(Trg), Owner(&Owner) {}
- };
- class pkgFLCache::DirIterator
- {
- Directory *Dir;
- pkgFLCache *Owner;
- public:
- // Accessors
- inline Directory *operator ->() {return Dir;}
- inline Directory const *operator ->() const {return Dir;}
- inline Directory const &operator *() const {return *Dir;}
- inline operator Directory *() {return Dir == Owner->DirP?0:Dir;}
- inline operator Directory const *() const {return Dir == Owner->DirP?0:Dir;}
- inline const char *Name() const {return Dir->Name == 0?0:Owner->StrP + Dir->Name;}
- DirIterator() : Dir(0), Owner(0) {}
- DirIterator(pkgFLCache &Owner,Directory *Trg) : Dir(Trg), Owner(&Owner) {}
- };
- class pkgFLCache::DiverIterator
- {
- Diversion *Diver;
- pkgFLCache *Owner;
- public:
- // Iteration
- void operator ++(int) {if (Diver != Owner->DiverP) Diver = Owner->DiverP + Diver->Next;}
- inline void operator ++() {operator ++(0);}
- inline bool end() const {return Owner == 0 || Diver == Owner->DiverP;}
- // Accessors
- inline Diversion *operator ->() {return Diver;}
- inline Diversion const *operator ->() const {return Diver;}
- inline Diversion const &operator *() const {return *Diver;}
- inline operator Diversion *() {return Diver == Owner->DiverP?0:Diver;}
- inline operator Diversion const *() const {return Diver == Owner->DiverP?0:Diver;}
- inline PkgIterator OwnerPkg() const {return PkgIterator(*Owner,Owner->PkgP + Diver->OwnerPkg);}
- inline NodeIterator DivertFrom() const;
- inline NodeIterator DivertTo() const;
- DiverIterator() : Diver(0), Owner(0) {};
- DiverIterator(pkgFLCache &Owner,Diversion *Trg) : Diver(Trg), Owner(&Owner) {}
- };
- class pkgFLCache::NodeIterator
- {
- Node *Nde;
- enum {NdePkg, NdeHash} Type;
- pkgFLCache *Owner;
- public:
- // Iteration
- void operator ++(int) {if (Nde != Owner->NodeP) Nde = Owner->NodeP +
- (Type == NdePkg?Nde->NextPkg:Nde->Next);}
- inline void operator ++() {operator ++(0);}
- inline bool end() const {return Owner == 0 || Nde == Owner->NodeP;}
- // Accessors
- inline Node *operator ->() {return Nde;}
- inline Node const *operator ->() const {return Nde;}
- inline Node const &operator *() const {return *Nde;}
- inline operator Node *() {return Nde == Owner->NodeP?0:Nde;}
- inline operator Node const *() const {return Nde == Owner->NodeP?0:Nde;}
- inline unsigned long Offset() const {return Nde - Owner->NodeP;}
- inline DirIterator Dir() const {return DirIterator(*Owner,Owner->DirP + Nde->Dir);}
- inline DiverIterator Diversion() const {return DiverIterator(*Owner,Owner->DiverP + Nde->Pointer);}
- inline const char *File() const {return Nde->File == 0?0:Owner->StrP + Nde->File;}
- inline const char *DirN() const {return Owner->StrP + Owner->DirP[Nde->Dir].Name;}
- Package *RealPackage() const;
- NodeIterator() : Nde(0), Type(NdeHash), Owner(0) {};
- NodeIterator(pkgFLCache &Owner) : Nde(Owner.NodeP), Type(NdeHash), Owner(&Owner) {}
- NodeIterator(pkgFLCache &Owner,Node *Trg) : Nde(Trg), Type(NdeHash), Owner(&Owner) {}
- NodeIterator(pkgFLCache &Owner,Node *Trg,Package *) : Nde(Trg), Type(NdePkg), Owner(&Owner) {}
- };
- /* Inlines with forward references that cannot be included directly in their
- respsective classes */
- inline pkgFLCache::NodeIterator pkgFLCache::DiverIterator::DivertFrom() const
- {return NodeIterator(*Owner,Owner->NodeP + Diver->DivertFrom);}
- inline pkgFLCache::NodeIterator pkgFLCache::DiverIterator::DivertTo() const
- {return NodeIterator(*Owner,Owner->NodeP + Diver->DivertTo);}
- inline pkgFLCache::NodeIterator pkgFLCache::PkgIterator::Files() const
- {return NodeIterator(*Owner,Owner->NodeP + Pkg->Files,Pkg);}
- inline pkgFLCache::DiverIterator pkgFLCache::DiverBegin()
- {return DiverIterator(*this,DiverP + HeaderP->Diversions);}
- inline pkgFLCache::PkgIterator pkgFLCache::GetPkg(const char *Name,bool Insert)
- {return GetPkg(Name,Name+strlen(Name),Insert);}
- #endif