configure-index 13 KB

  1. /* This file is an index of all APT configuration directives. It should
  2. NOT actually be used as a real config file, though it is (except for the
  3. last line) a completely valid file. Most of the options have sane default
  4. values, unless you have specific needs you should NOT include arbitrary
  5. items in a custom configuration.
  6. In some instances involving filenames it is possible to set the default
  7. directory when the path is evaluated. This means you can use relative
  8. paths within the sub scope.
  9. The configuration directives are specified in a tree with {} designating
  10. a subscope relative to the tag before the {}. You can further specify
  11. a subscope using scope notation eg,
  12. APT::Architecture "i386";
  13. This is prefixed with the current scope. Scope notation must be used
  14. if an option is specified on the command line with -o.
  15. */
  16. quiet "0";
  17. quiet::NoUpdate "true"; // never update progress information - included in -q=1
  18. // Options for APT in general
  19. APT
  20. {
  21. Architecture "i386";
  22. Architectures { "amd64"; "armel"; };
  23. Build-Essential "build-essential";
  24. NeverAutoRemove { "linux-image.*"; }; // packages that should never
  25. // considered for autoRemove
  26. // Options for apt-get
  27. Get
  28. {
  29. Host-Architecture "armel";
  30. Arch-Only "false";
  31. AllowUnauthenticated "false";
  32. AutomaticRemove "false";
  33. HideAutoRemove "false";
  34. Download-Only "false";
  35. Simulate "false";
  36. Assume-Yes "false";
  37. Force-Yes "false"; // I would never set this.
  38. Fix-Broken "false";
  39. Fix-Missing "false";
  40. Show-Upgraded "false";
  41. Show-Versions "false";
  42. Upgrade "true";
  43. Print-URIs "false";
  44. Compile "false";
  45. Download "true";
  46. Purge "false";
  47. List-Cleanup "true";
  48. ReInstall "false";
  49. Trivial-Only "false";
  50. Remove "true";
  51. Only-Source "";
  52. Diff-Only "false";
  53. Tar-Only "false";
  54. Build-Dep-Automatic "true";
  55. Show-User-Simulation-Note "true";
  56. };
  57. Cache
  58. {
  59. Important "false";
  60. AllVersions "false";
  61. GivenOnly "false";
  62. RecurseDepends "false";
  63. ShowFull "false";
  64. Generate "true";
  65. NamesOnly "false";
  66. AllNames "false";
  67. Installed "false";
  68. };
  69. CDROM
  70. {
  71. Rename "false";
  72. NoMount "false";
  73. Fast "false";
  74. NoAct "false";
  75. };
  76. Update
  77. {
  78. Pre-Invoke {"touch /var/lib/apt/pre-update-stamp"; };
  79. Post-Invoke {"touch /var/lib/apt/post-update-stamp"; };
  80. };
  81. Authentication
  82. {
  83. TrustCDROM "false"; // consider the CD-ROM always trusted
  84. };
  85. // Some general options
  86. Ignore-Hold "false";
  87. Clean-Installed "true";
  88. Immediate-Configure "true"; // DO NOT turn this off, see the man page
  89. Force-LoopBreak "false"; // DO NOT turn this on, see the man page
  90. Cache-Start "20971520";
  91. Cache-Grow "1048576";
  92. Cache-Limit "0";
  93. Default-Release "";
  94. // consider Recommends, Suggests as important dependencies that should
  95. // be installed by default
  96. Install-Recommends "true";
  97. Install-Suggests "false";
  98. // consider dependencies of packages in this section manual
  99. Never-MarkAuto-Sections {"metapackages"; "universe/metapackages"; };
  100. // Write progress messages on this fd (for stuff like base-config)
  101. Status-Fd "-1";
  102. // Keep the list of FDs open (normally apt closes all fds when it
  103. // does a ExecFork)
  104. Keep-Fds {};
  105. Changelogs
  106. {
  107. // server the provides the changelogs, the code will assume
  108. // the changlogs are in the pool/ under a srcpkg_ver directory
  109. // with the name "changelog"
  110. Server "";
  111. }:
  112. // control parameters for cron jobs by /etc/cron.daily/apt
  113. Periodic
  114. {
  115. BackupArchiveInterval "0";
  116. // - Backup after n-days if archive contents changed.(0=disable)
  117. BackupLevel "3";
  118. // - Backup level.(0=disable), 1 is invalid.
  119. // APT::Archives::MaxAge "0"; (old, deprecated)
  120. MaxAge "0"; // (new)
  121. // - Set maximum allowed age of a cache package file. If a cache
  122. // package file is older it is deleted (0=disable)
  123. // APT::Archives::MinAge "2"; (old, deprecated)
  124. MinAge "2"; // (new)
  125. // - Set minimum age of a package file. If a file is younger it
  126. // will not be deleted (0=disable). Useful to prevent races
  127. // and to keep backups of the packages for emergency.
  128. // APT::Archives::MaxSize "0"; (old, deprecated)
  129. MaxSize "0"; // (new)
  130. // - Set maximum size of the cache in MB (0=disable). If the cache
  131. // is bigger, cached package files are deleted until the size
  132. // requirement is met (the biggest packages will be deleted
  133. // first).
  134. Update-Package-Lists "0";
  135. // - Do "apt-get update" automatically every n-days (0=disable)
  136. //
  137. Download-Upgradeable-Packages "0";
  138. // - Do "apt-get upgrade --download-only" every n-days (0=disable)
  139. //
  140. Unattended-Upgrade "0";
  141. // - Run the "unattended-upgrade" security upgrade script
  142. // every n-days (0=disabled)
  143. // Requires the package "unattended-upgrades" and will write
  144. // a log in /var/log/unattended-upgrades
  145. //
  146. AutocleanInterval "0";
  147. // - Do "apt-get autoclean" every n-days (0=disable)
  148. Verbose "0";
  149. // - Send report mail to root
  150. // 0: no report (or null string)
  151. // 1: progress report (actually any string)
  152. // 2: + command outputs (remove -qq, remove 2>/dev/null, add -d)
  153. // 3: + trace on
  154. };
  155. };
  156. // Options for the downloading routines
  157. Acquire
  158. {
  159. Queue-Mode "host"; // host|access
  160. Retries "0";
  161. Source-Symlinks "true";
  162. ForceHash "sha256"; // hashmethod used for expected hash: sha256, sha1 or md5sum
  163. PDiffs "true"; // try to get the IndexFile diffs
  164. PDiffs::FileLimit "4"; // don't use diffs if we would need more than 4 diffs
  165. PDiffs::SizeLimit "50"; // don't use diffs if size of all patches excess
  166. // 50% of the size of the original file
  167. Check-Valid-Until "true";
  168. Max-ValidTime "864000"; // 10 days
  169. Max-ValidTime::Debian-Security "604800"; // 7 days, label specific configuration
  170. // HTTP method configuration
  171. http
  172. {
  173. Proxy "";
  174. "DIRECT"; // Specific per-host setting
  175. Timeout "120";
  176. Pipeline-Depth "5";
  177. AllowRedirect "true";
  178. // Cache Control. Note these do not work with Squid 2.0.2
  179. No-Cache "false";
  180. Max-Age "86400"; // 1 Day age on index files
  181. No-Store "false"; // Prevent the cache from storing archives
  182. Dl-Limit "7"; // 7Kb/sec maximum download rate
  183. User-Agent "Debian APT-HTTP/1.3";
  184. };
  185. // HTTPS method configuration: uses the http
  186. // - proxy config
  187. // - cache-control values
  188. // - Dl-Limit, Timout, ... values
  189. // if not set explicit for https
  190. //
  191. // see /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt-https-method-example.conf.gz
  192. // for more examples
  193. https
  194. {
  195. Verify-Peer "false";
  196. SslCert "/etc/apt/some.pem";
  197. CaPath "/etc/ssl/certs";
  198. Verify-Host "true";
  199. AllowRedirect "true";
  200. Timeout "120";
  201. AllowRedirect "true";
  202. // Cache Control. Note these do not work with Squid 2.0.2
  203. No-Cache "false";
  204. Max-Age "86400"; // 1 Day age on index files
  205. No-Store "false"; // Prevent the cache from storing archives
  206. Dl-Limit "7"; // 7Kb/sec maximum download rate
  207. User-Agent "Debian APT-CURL/1.0";
  208. };
  209. ftp
  210. {
  211. Proxy "";
  212. "DIRECT"; // Specific per-host setting
  213. /* Required script to perform proxy login. This example should work
  214. for tisfwtk */
  215. ProxyLogin
  216. {
  217. "USER $(PROXY_USER)";
  218. "PASS $(PROXY_PASS)";
  219. "USER $(SITE_USER)@$(SITE):$(SITE_PORT)";
  220. "PASS $(SITE_PASS)";
  221. };
  222. Timeout "120";
  223. /* Passive mode control, proxy, non-proxy and per-host. Pasv mode
  224. is preferred if possible */
  225. Passive "true";
  226. Proxy::Passive "true";
  227. "true"; // Specific per-host setting
  228. };
  229. cdrom
  230. {
  231. // do auto detection of the cdrom mountpoint
  232. AutoDetect "true";
  233. // when auto-detecting, only look for cdrom/dvd. when this is false
  234. // it will support any removable device as a "cdrom" source
  235. CdromOnly "true";
  236. // cdrom mountpoint (needs to be defined in fstab if AutoDetect is not used)
  237. mount "/cdrom";
  238. // You need the trailing slash!
  239. "/cdrom/"
  240. {
  241. Mount "sleep 1000";
  242. UMount "sleep 500";
  243. }
  244. };
  245. gpgv
  246. {
  247. Options {"--ignore-time-conflict";} // not very useful on a normal system
  248. };
  249. CompressionTypes
  250. {
  251. bz2 "bzip2";
  252. lzma "lzma";
  253. gz "gzip";
  254. Order { "uncompressed"; "gz"; "lzma"; "bz2"; };
  255. };
  256. Languages
  257. {
  258. "environment";
  259. "de";
  260. "en";
  261. "none";
  262. "fr";
  263. };
  264. };
  265. // Directory layout
  266. Dir "/"
  267. {
  268. // Location of the state dir
  269. State "var/lib/apt/"
  270. {
  271. Lists "lists/";
  272. status "/var/lib/dpkg/status";
  273. extended_states "extended_states";
  274. cdroms "cdroms.list";
  275. };
  276. // Location of the cache dir
  277. Cache "var/cache/apt/" {
  278. Archives "archives/";
  279. // backup directory created by /etc/cron.daily/apt
  280. Backup "backup/";
  281. srcpkgcache "srcpkgcache.bin";
  282. pkgcache "pkgcache.bin";
  283. };
  284. // Config files
  285. Etc "etc/apt/" {
  286. Main "apt.conf";
  287. Netrc "auth.conf";
  288. Parts "apt.conf.d/";
  289. Preferences "preferences";
  290. PreferencesParts "preferences.d";
  291. SourceList "sources.list";
  292. SourceParts "sources.list.d";
  293. VendorList "vendors.list";
  294. VendorParts "vendors.list.d";
  295. Trusted "trusted.gpg";
  296. TrustedParts "trusted.gpg.d";
  297. };
  298. // Locations of binaries
  299. Bin {
  300. methods "/usr/lib/apt/methods/";
  301. gzip "/bin/gzip";
  302. gpg "/usr/bin/gpgv";
  303. dpkg "/usr/bin/dpkg";
  304. dpkg-source "/usr/bin/dpkg-source";
  305. dpkg-buildpackage "/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage";
  306. apt-get "/usr/bin/apt-get";
  307. apt-cache "/usr/bin/apt-cache";
  308. };
  309. // Location of the logfile
  310. Log "var/log/apt" {
  311. Terminal "term.log";
  312. History "history.log";
  313. };
  314. // Media
  315. Media
  316. {
  317. // Media AutoDetect mount path
  318. MountPath "/media/apt";
  319. };
  320. // Media
  321. Media
  322. {
  323. // Media AutoDetect mount path
  324. MountPath "/media/apt";
  325. };
  326. };
  327. // Things that effect the APT dselect method
  328. DSelect
  329. {
  330. Clean "auto"; // always|auto|prompt|never
  331. Options "-f";
  332. UpdateOptions "";
  333. PromptAfterUpdate "no";
  334. CheckDir "no";
  335. }
  336. DPkg
  337. {
  338. // let apt aggressivly use dpkg triggers
  339. NoTriggers "true";
  340. ConfigurePending "true";
  341. // Probably don't want to use force-downgrade..
  342. Options {"--force-overwrite";"--force-downgrade";}
  343. // Auto re-mounting of a readonly /usr
  344. Pre-Invoke {"mount -o remount,rw /usr";};
  345. Post-Invoke {"mount -o remount,ro /usr";};
  346. Chroot-Directory "/";
  347. // Prevents daemons from getting cwd as something mountable (default)
  348. Run-Directory "/";
  349. // Build options for apt-get source --compile
  350. Build-Options "-b -uc";
  351. // Pre-configure all packages before they are installed using debconf.
  352. Pre-Install-Pkgs {"dpkg-preconfigure --apt --priority=low --frontend=dialog";};
  353. // Flush the contents of stdin before forking dpkg.
  354. FlushSTDIN "true";
  355. // Control the size of the command line passed to dpkg.
  356. MaxBytes 1024;
  357. MaxArgs 350;
  358. // controls if apt will apport on the first dpkg error or if it
  359. // tries to install as many packages as possible
  360. StopOnError "true";
  361. }
  362. /* Options you can set to see some debugging text They correspond to names
  363. of classes in the source code */
  364. Debug
  365. {
  366. pkgProblemResolver "false";
  367. pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores "false";
  368. pkgDepCache::AutoInstall "false"; // what packages apt install to satify dependencies
  369. pkgDepCache::Marker "false";
  370. pkgCacheGen "false";
  371. pkgAcquire "false";
  372. pkgAcquire::Worker "false";
  373. pkgAcquire::Auth "false";
  374. pkgDPkgPM "false";
  375. pkgDPkgProgressReporting "false";
  376. pkgOrderList "false";
  377. pkgPackageManager "false"; // OrderList/Configure debugging
  378. pkgAutoRemove "false"; // show information about automatic removes
  379. BuildDeps "false";
  380. pkgInitialize "false"; // This one will dump the configuration space
  381. NoLocking "false";
  382. Acquire::Ftp "false"; // Show ftp command traffic
  383. Acquire::Http "false"; // Show http command traffic
  384. Acquire::Https "false"; // Show https debug
  385. Acquire::gpgv "false"; // Show the gpgv traffic
  386. Acquire::cdrom "false"; // Show cdrom debug output
  387. aptcdrom "false"; // Show found package files
  388. IdentCdrom "false";
  389. acquire::netrc "false"; // netrc parser
  390. }
  391. pkgCacheGen::Essential "native"; // other modes: all, none, installed
  392. /* Whatever you do, do not use this configuration file!! Take out ONLY
  393. the portions you need! */
  394. This Is Not A Valid Config File