Browse Source

* apt-pkg/contrib/
- Fix the newly introduced method GetListOfFilesInDir to not
accept every file if no extension is enforced
(= restore old behaviour). (Closes: #565213)
* apt-pkg/
- accept also partfiles with "pref" file extension as valid
* apt-pkg/contrib/
- accept also partfiles with "conf" file extension as valid
* doc/apt.conf.5.xml:
- reorder description and split out syntax
- add partfile name convention (Closes: #558348)
* doc/apt_preferences.conf.5.xml:
- describe partfile name convention also here
* apt-pkg/deb/
- don't segfault if term.log file can't be opened.
Thanks Sam Brightman for the patch! (Closes: #475770)
* doc/*:
- replace the per language addendum with a global addendum
- add a explanation why translations include (maybe) english
parts to the new global addendum (Closes: #561636)
* apt-pkg/contrib/
- fix malloc asseration fail with ja_JP.eucJP locale in
apt-cache search. Thanks Kusanagi Kouichi! (Closes: #548884)

Michael Vogt 14 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ bool ReadConfigFile(Configuration &Conf,const string &FName,bool AsSectional,
 bool ReadConfigDir(Configuration &Conf,const string &Dir,
 		   bool AsSectional, unsigned Depth)
-   vector<string> const List = GetListOfFilesInDir(Dir, "", true);
+   vector<string> const List = GetListOfFilesInDir(Dir, "conf", true, true);
    // Read the files
    for (vector<string>::const_iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); I++)

+ 6 - 4

@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
 #include <string>
+#include <system.h>
 using std::string;
 class GlobalError
@@ -71,13 +73,13 @@ class GlobalError
    // Call to generate an error from a library call.
-   bool Errno(const char *Function,const char *Description,...) APT_MFORMAT2;
-   bool WarningE(const char *Function,const char *Description,...) APT_MFORMAT2;
+   bool Errno(const char *Function,const char *Description,...) APT_MFORMAT2 __cold;
+   bool WarningE(const char *Function,const char *Description,...) APT_MFORMAT2 __cold;
    /* A warning should be considered less severe than an error, and may be
       ignored by the client. */
-   bool Error(const char *Description,...) APT_MFORMAT1;
-   bool Warning(const char *Description,...) APT_MFORMAT1;
+   bool Error(const char *Description,...) APT_MFORMAT1 __cold;
+   bool Warning(const char *Description,...) APT_MFORMAT1 __cold;
    // Simple accessors
    inline bool PendingError() {return PendingFlag;};

+ 79 - 5

@@ -202,8 +202,37 @@ bool FileExists(string File)
 /* If an extension is given only files with this extension are included
    in the returned vector, otherwise every "normal" file is included. */
 std::vector<string> GetListOfFilesInDir(string const &Dir, string const &Ext,
-					bool const &SortList) 
+					bool const &SortList)
+   return GetListOfFilesInDir(Dir, Ext, SortList, false);
+std::vector<string> GetListOfFilesInDir(string const &Dir, string const &Ext,
+					bool const &SortList, bool const &AllowNoExt)
+   std::vector<string> ext;
+   ext.reserve(2);
+   if (Ext.empty() == false)
+      ext.push_back(Ext);
+   if (AllowNoExt == true && ext.empty() == false)
+      ext.push_back("");
+   return GetListOfFilesInDir(Dir, ext, SortList);
+std::vector<string> GetListOfFilesInDir(string const &Dir, std::vector<string> const &Ext,
+					bool const &SortList)
+   // Attention debuggers: need to be set with the environment config file!
+   bool const Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::GetListOfFilesInDir", false);
+   if (Debug == true)
+   {
+      std::clog << "Accept in " << Dir << " only files with the following " << Ext.size() << " extensions:" << std::endl;
+      if (Ext.empty() == true)
+	 std::clog << "\tNO extension" << std::endl;
+      else
+	 for (std::vector<string>::const_iterator e = Ext.begin();
+	      e != Ext.end(); ++e)
+	    std::clog << '\t' << (e->empty() == true ? "NO" : *e) << " extension" << std::endl;
+   }
    std::vector<string> List;
    DIR *D = opendir(Dir.c_str());
    if (D == 0) 
@@ -214,28 +243,73 @@ std::vector<string> GetListOfFilesInDir(string const &Dir, string const &Ext,
    for (struct dirent *Ent = readdir(D); Ent != 0; Ent = readdir(D)) 
+      // skip "hidden" files
       if (Ent->d_name[0] == '.')
-      if (Ext.empty() == false && flExtension(Ent->d_name) != Ext)
-	 continue;
+      // check for accepted extension:
+      // no extension given -> periods are bad as hell!
+      // extensions given -> "" extension allows no extension
+      if (Ext.empty() == false)
+      {
+	 string d_ext = flExtension(Ent->d_name);
+	 if (d_ext == Ent->d_name) // no extension
+	 {
+	    if (std::find(Ext.begin(), Ext.end(), "") == Ext.end())
+	    {
+	       if (Debug == true)
+		  std::clog << "Bad file: " << Ent->d_name << " → no extension" << std::endl;
+	       continue;
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else if (std::find(Ext.begin(), Ext.end(), d_ext) == Ext.end())
+	 {
+	    if (Debug == true)
+	       std::clog << "Bad file: " << Ent->d_name << " → bad extension »" << flExtension(Ent->d_name) << "«" << std::endl;
+	    continue;
+	 }
+      }
-      // Skip bad file names ala run-parts
+      // Skip bad filenames ala run-parts
       const char *C = Ent->d_name;
       for (; *C != 0; ++C)
 	 if (isalpha(*C) == 0 && isdigit(*C) == 0
-	     && *C != '_' && *C != '-' && *C != '.')
+	     && *C != '_' && *C != '-') {
+	    // no required extension -> dot is a bad character
+	    if (*C == '.' && Ext.empty() == false)
+	       continue;
+	 }
+      // we don't reach the end of the name -> bad character included
       if (*C != 0)
+      {
+	 if (Debug == true)
+	    std::clog << "Bad file: " << Ent->d_name << " → bad character »"
+	       << *C << "« in filename (period allowed: " << (Ext.empty() ? "no" : "yes") << ")" << std::endl;
+      }
+      // skip filenames which end with a period. These are never valid
+      if (*(C - 1) == '.')
+      {
+	 if (Debug == true)
+	    std::clog << "Bad file: " << Ent->d_name << " → Period as last character" << std::endl;
+	 continue;
+      }
       // Make sure it is a file and not something else
       string const File = flCombine(Dir,Ent->d_name);
       struct stat St;
       if (stat(File.c_str(),&St) != 0 || S_ISREG(St.st_mode) == 0)
+      {
+	 if (Debug == true)
+	    std::clog << "Bad file: " << Ent->d_name << " → stat says not a good file" << std::endl;
+      }
+      if (Debug == true)
+	 std::clog << "Accept file: " << Ent->d_name << " in " << Dir << std::endl;

+ 5 - 0

@@ -82,8 +82,13 @@ bool RunScripts(const char *Cnf);
 bool CopyFile(FileFd &From,FileFd &To);
 int GetLock(string File,bool Errors = true);
 bool FileExists(string File);
+// FIXME: next ABI-Break: merge the two method-headers
 std::vector<string> GetListOfFilesInDir(string const &Dir, string const &Ext,
 					bool const &SortList);
+std::vector<string> GetListOfFilesInDir(string const &Dir, string const &Ext,
+					bool const &SortList, bool const &AllowNoExt);
+std::vector<string> GetListOfFilesInDir(string const &Dir, std::vector<string> const &Ext,
+					bool const &SortList);
 string SafeGetCWD();
 void SetCloseExec(int Fd,bool Close);
 void SetNonBlock(int Fd,bool Block);

+ 33 - 16

@@ -43,9 +43,10 @@ bool UTF8ToCodeset(const char *codeset, const string &orig, string *dest)
   iconv_t cd;
   const char *inbuf;
-  char *inptr, *outbuf, *outptr;
-  size_t insize, outsize;
+  char *inptr, *outbuf;
+  size_t insize, bufsize;
+  dest->clear();
   cd = iconv_open(codeset, "UTF-8");
   if (cd == (iconv_t)(-1)) {
      // Something went wrong
@@ -55,33 +56,49 @@ bool UTF8ToCodeset(const char *codeset, const string &orig, string *dest)
-     // Clean the destination string
-     *dest = "";
      return false;
-  insize = outsize = orig.size();
+  insize = bufsize = orig.size();
   inbuf =;
   inptr = (char *)inbuf;
-  outbuf = new char[insize+1];
-  outptr = outbuf;
+  outbuf = new char[bufsize];
+  size_t lastError = -1;
   while (insize != 0)
+     char *outptr = outbuf;
+     size_t outsize = bufsize;
      size_t const err = iconv(cd, &inptr, &insize, &outptr, &outsize);
+     dest->append(outbuf, outptr - outbuf);
      if (err == (size_t)(-1))
-	insize--;
-	outsize++;
-	inptr++;
-	*outptr = '?';
-	outptr++;
+	switch (errno)
+	{
+	case EILSEQ:
+	   insize--;
+	   inptr++;
+	   // replace a series of unknown multibytes with a single "?"
+	   if (lastError != insize) {
+	      lastError = insize - 1;
+	      dest->append("?");
+	   }
+	   break;
+	case EINVAL:
+	   insize = 0;
+	   break;
+	case E2BIG:
+	   if (outptr == outbuf)
+	   {
+	      bufsize *= 2;
+	      delete[] outbuf;
+	      outbuf = new char[bufsize];
+	   }
+	   break;
+	}
-  *outptr = '\0';
-  *dest = outbuf;
   delete[] outbuf;

+ 22 - 0

@@ -55,4 +55,26 @@
 #define CLRFLAG(v,f)	((v) &=~FLAG(f))
 #define	CHKFLAG(v,f)	((v) &  FLAG(f) ? true : false)
+// some nice optional GNUC features
+#if __GNUC__ >= 3
+        #define __must_check    __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result))
+        #define __deprecated    __attribute__ ((deprecated))
+        /* likely() and unlikely() can be used to mark boolean expressions
+           as (not) likely true which will help the compiler to optimise */
+        #define likely(x)       __builtin_expect (!!(x), 1)
+        #define unlikely(x)     __builtin_expect (!!(x), 0)
+        #define __must_check    /* no warn_unused_result */
+        #define __deprecated    /* no deprecated */
+        #define likely(x)       (x)
+        #define unlikely(x)     (x)
+// cold functions are unlikely() to be called
+#if (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3) || __GNUC__ > 4
+        #define __cold  __attribute__ ((__cold__))
+        #define __cold  /* no cold marker */

+ 4 - 3

@@ -561,15 +561,16 @@ bool pkgDPkgPM::OpenLog()
    if (!logfile_name.empty())
       term_out = fopen(logfile_name.c_str(),"a");
+      if (term_out == NULL)
+	 return _error->WarningE(_("Could not open file '%s'"), logfile_name.c_str());
       chmod(logfile_name.c_str(), 0600);
       // output current time
       char outstr[200];
       time_t t = time(NULL);
       struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t);
       strftime(outstr, sizeof(outstr), "%F  %T", tmp);
-      fprintf(term_out, "\nLog started: ");
-      fprintf(term_out, "%s", outstr);
-      fprintf(term_out, "\n");
+      fprintf(term_out, "\nLog started: %s\n", outstr);
    return true;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ bool ReadPinDir(pkgPolicy &Plcy,string Dir)
       return true;
-   vector<string> const List = GetListOfFilesInDir(Dir, "", true);
+   vector<string> const List = GetListOfFilesInDir(Dir, "pref", true, true);
    // Read the files
    for (vector<string>::const_iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); I++)

+ 28 - 0

@@ -8,6 +8,34 @@ apt ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low
  -- Michael Vogt <>  Fri, 22 Jan 2010 20:06:12 +0100
+apt ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * apt-pkg/contrib/
+    - Fix the newly introduced method GetListOfFilesInDir to not
+      accept every file if no extension is enforced
+      (= restore old behaviour). (Closes: #565213)
+  * apt-pkg/
+    - accept also partfiles with "pref" file extension as valid
+  * apt-pkg/contrib/
+    - accept also partfiles with "conf" file extension as valid
+  * doc/apt.conf.5.xml:
+    - reorder description and split out syntax
+    - add partfile name convention (Closes: #558348)
+  * doc/apt_preferences.conf.5.xml:
+    - describe partfile name convention also here
+  * apt-pkg/deb/
+    - don't segfault if term.log file can't be opened.
+      Thanks Sam Brightman for the patch! (Closes: #475770)
+  * doc/*:
+    - replace the per language addendum with a global addendum
+    - add a explanation why translations include (maybe) english
+      parts to the new global addendum (Closes: #561636)
+  * apt-pkg/contrib/
+    - fix malloc asseration fail with ja_JP.eucJP locale in
+      apt-cache search. Thanks Kusanagi Kouichi! (Closes: #548884)
+ -- David Kalnischkies <>  Sat, 16 Jan 2010 21:06:38 +0100
 apt ( unstable; urgency=low
   [ Christian Perrier ]

+ 22 - 11

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    <!-- The last update date -->
-   <date>18 September 2009</date>
+   <date>16 January 2010</date>
@@ -37,16 +37,27 @@
-   <para><filename>apt.conf</filename> is the main configuration file for the APT suite of
-   tools, all tools make use of the configuration file and a common command line
-   parser to provide a uniform environment. When an APT tool starts up it will
-   read the configuration specified by the <envar>APT_CONFIG</envar> environment 
-   variable (if any) and then read the files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> 
-   then read the main configuration file specified by 
-   <literal>Dir::Etc::main</literal> then finally apply the
-   command line options to override the configuration directives, possibly 
-   loading even more config files.</para>
+ <para><filename>apt.conf</filename> is the main configuration file for
+   the APT suite of tools, but by far not the only place changes to options
+   can be made. All tools therefore share the configuration files and also
+   use a common command line parser to provide a uniform environment.</para>
+   <orderedlist>
+      <para>When an APT tool starts up it will read the configuration files
+      in the following order:</para>
+      <listitem><para>the file specified by the <envar>APT_CONFIG</envar>
+	 environment variable (if any)</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>all files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in
+	 alphanumeric ascending order which have no or "<literal>conf</literal>"
+	 as filename extension and which only contain alphanumeric,
+	 hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period (.) characters -
+	 otherwise they will be silently ignored.</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>the main configuration file specified by
+	 <literal>Dir::Etc::main</literal></para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>the command line options are applied to override the
+	 configuration directives or to load even more configuration files.</para></listitem>
+   </orderedlist>
+   </refsect1>
+   <refsect1><title>Syntax</title>
    <para>The configuration file is organized in a tree with options organized into
    functional groups. Option specification is given with a double colon
    notation, for instance <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal> is an option within 

+ 19 - 0

@@ -366,3 +366,22 @@
      Configuration Item <literal>Dir::Etc::TrustedParts</literal>.</para></listitem>
+<!ENTITY translation-title "TRANSLATION">
+<!-- TRANSLATOR: This is a placeholder. You should write here who has constributed
+     to the translation in the past, who is responsible now and maybe further information
+     specially related to your translation. -->
+<!ENTITY translation-holder "
+     The english translation was done by John Doe <email></email> in 2009,
+     2010 and Daniela Acme <email></email> in 2010 together with the
+     Debian Dummy l10n Team <email></email>.
+<!-- TRANSLATOR: As a translation is allowed to have 20% of untranslated/fuzzy strings
+     in a shipped manpage will maybe appear english parts. -->
+<!ENTITY translation-english "
+     Note that this translated document may contain untranslated parts.
+     This is done on purpose, to avoid losing content when the
+     translation is lagging behind the original content.

+ 7 - 0

@@ -53,6 +53,13 @@ earliest in the &sources-list; file.
 The APT preferences file does not affect the choice of instance, only
 the choice of version.</para>
+<para>Note that the files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d</filename>
+directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the
+following naming convention: The files have no or "<literal>pref</literal>"
+as filename extension and which only contain alphanumeric,  hyphen (-),
+underscore (_) and period (.) characters - otherwise they will be silently
 <refsect2><title>APT's Default Priority Assignments</title>
 <para>If there is no preferences file or if there is no entry in the file

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- <refsect1><title>Übersetzung</title>
-   <para>Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde 2009 von Chris Leick <email></email> angefertigt
-   in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Debian German-l10n-Team <email></email>.</para>
- </refsect1>

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- <refsect1><title>Übersetzung</title>
-   <para>Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde 2009 von Chris Leick <email></email> angefertigt
-   in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Debian German-l10n-Team <email></email>.</para>
- </refsect1>

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- <refsect1><title>Translation</title>
-   <para>The spanish translation was written 2003 and 2004 by Ismael Fanlo (2003), Carlos Mestre (2003),
-   Rudy Godoy <email></email> (2003),
-   Gustavo Saldumbide <email></email> (2003),
-   Javier Fernández-Sanguino <email></email> (2003)
-   and Rubén Porras Campo <email></email> (2003, 2004)
-   under the aegis of the debian spanish-l10n-team <email></email>.
- </refsect1>

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- <refsect1><title>Traducteurs</title>
-   <para>Jérôme Marant, Philippe Batailler, Christian Perrier <email></email> (2000, 2005, 2009),
-   Équipe de traduction francophone de Debian <email></email>
-   </para>
- </refsect1>

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- <refsect1><title>訳者</title>
-   <para>倉澤 望 <email></email> (2003-2006,2009),
-   Debian JP Documentation ML <email></email>
-   </para>
- </refsect1>

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 555 - 392

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1082 - 738

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 624 - 417

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1054 - 826

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 548 - 395

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 638 - 418

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 548 - 395

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 560 - 396

+ 13 - 26

@@ -7,32 +7,19 @@
 # define source file and translated file (one file per line)
 [type: man]     apt.8 $lang:$lang/apt.$lang.8
 [type: entity]  apt.ent $lang:$lang/apt.ent
-[type: docbook] apt-cache.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-cache.$lang.8.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt-cdrom.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-cdrom.$lang.8.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt-config.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-config.$lang.8.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt-extracttemplates.1.xml $lang:$lang/apt-extracttemplates.$lang.1.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt-ftparchive.1.xml $lang:$lang/apt-ftparchive.$lang.1.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt-get.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-get.$lang.8.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt-key.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-key.$lang.8.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt-mark.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-mark.$lang.8.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt-secure.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-secure.$lang.8.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt-sortpkgs.1.xml $lang:$lang/apt-sortpkgs.$lang.1.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt.conf.5.xml $lang:$lang/apt.conf.$lang.5.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] apt_preferences.5.xml $lang:$lang/apt_preferences.$lang.5.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
-[type: docbook] sources.list.5.xml $lang:$lang/sources.list.$lang.5.xml \
-                add_$lang:$lang/addendum/xml_$lang.add
+[type: docbook] apt-cache.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-cache.$lang.8.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt-cdrom.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-cdrom.$lang.8.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt-config.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-config.$lang.8.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt-extracttemplates.1.xml $lang:$lang/apt-extracttemplates.$lang.1.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt-ftparchive.1.xml $lang:$lang/apt-ftparchive.$lang.1.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt-get.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-get.$lang.8.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt-key.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-key.$lang.8.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt-mark.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-mark.$lang.8.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt-secure.8.xml $lang:$lang/apt-secure.$lang.8.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt-sortpkgs.1.xml $lang:$lang/apt-sortpkgs.$lang.1.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt.conf.5.xml $lang:$lang/apt.conf.$lang.5.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] apt_preferences.5.xml $lang:$lang/apt_preferences.$lang.5.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: docbook] sources.list.5.xml $lang:$lang/sources.list.$lang.5.xml add_$lang:xml.add
 [type: sgml]    guide.sgml $lang:$lang/guide.$lang.sgml
 #                 add_$lang::$lang/addendum/debiandoc_$lang.add

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- <refsect1><title>Tradução</title>
-   Esta página de manual foi traduzida para o Português do Brasil por
-   André Luís Lopes <email></email>.
- </refsect1>

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ <refsect1><title>&translation-title;</title>
+   <para>&translation-holder;</para>
+   <para>&translation-english;</para>
+ </refsect1>

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 185 - 164

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#include <apt-pkg/fileutl.h>
+#include "assert.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <iostream>
+// simple helper to quickly output a vector of strings
+void dumpVector(std::vector<std::string> vec) {
+	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator v = vec.begin();
+	     v != vec.end(); v++)
+		std::cout << *v << std::endl;
+#define P(x)	string(argv[1]).append("/").append(x)
+int main(int argc,char *argv[])
+	if (argc != 2) {
+		std::cout << "One parameter expected - given " << argc << std::endl;
+		return 100;
+	}
+	// Files with no extension
+	std::vector<std::string> files = GetListOfFilesInDir(argv[1], "", true);
+	equals(files.size(), 2);
+	equals(files[0], P("01yet-anothernormalfile"));
+	equals(files[1], P("anormalfile"));
+	// Files with no extension - should be the same as above
+	files = GetListOfFilesInDir(argv[1], "", true, true);
+	equals(files.size(), 2);
+	equals(files[0], P("01yet-anothernormalfile"));
+	equals(files[1], P("anormalfile"));
+	// Files with impossible extension
+	files = GetListOfFilesInDir(argv[1], "impossible", true);
+	equals(files.size(), 0);
+	// Files with impossible or no extension
+	files = GetListOfFilesInDir(argv[1], "impossible", true, true);
+	equals(files.size(), 2);
+	equals(files[0], P("01yet-anothernormalfile"));
+	equals(files[1], P("anormalfile"));
+	// Files with list extension - nothing more
+	files = GetListOfFilesInDir(argv[1], "list", true);
+	equals(files.size(), 4);
+	equals(files[0], P("01yet-anotherapt.list"));
+	equals(files[1], P("anormalapt.list"));
+	equals(files[2], P("linkedfile.list"));
+	equals(files[3], P(""));
+	// Files with conf or no extension
+	files = GetListOfFilesInDir(argv[1], "conf", true, true);
+	equals(files.size(), 5);
+	equals(files[0], P("01yet-anotherapt.conf"));
+	equals(files[1], P("01yet-anothernormalfile"));
+	equals(files[2], P("anormalapt.conf"));
+	equals(files[3], P("anormalfile"));
+	equals(files[4], P(""));
+	// Files with disabled extension - nothing more
+	files = GetListOfFilesInDir(argv[1], "disabled", true);
+	equals(files.size(), 3);
+	equals(files[0], P("disabledfile.conf.disabled"));
+	equals(files[1], P("disabledfile.disabled"));
+	equals(files[2], P("disabledfile.list.disabled"));
+	// Files with disabled or no extension
+	files = GetListOfFilesInDir(argv[1], "disabled", true, true);
+	equals(files.size(), 5);
+	equals(files[0], P("01yet-anothernormalfile"));
+	equals(files[1], P("anormalfile"));
+	equals(files[2], P("disabledfile.conf.disabled"));
+	equals(files[3], P("disabledfile.disabled"));
+	equals(files[4], P("disabledfile.list.disabled"));
+	return 0;

+ 46 - 4

@@ -1,10 +1,52 @@
+set -e
 echo "Compiling the tests ..."
 echo "Running all testcases ..."
-for testapp in $(/bin/ls ${PATH}/*_libapt_test)
+for testapp in $(ls ${LDPATH}/*$EXT)
-	echo -n "Testing with \033[1;35m$(/usr/bin/basename ${testapp})\033[0m ... "
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PATH} ${testapp} && echo "\033[1;32mOKAY\033[0m" || echo "\033[1;31mFAILED\033[0m"
+	name=$(basename ${testapp})
+	tmppath=""
+	if [ $name = "GetListOfFilesInDir${EXT}" ]; then
+		# TODO: very-low: move env creation to the actual test-app
+		echo "Prepare Testarea for \033[1;35m$name\033[0m ..."
+		tmppath=$(mktemp -d)
+		touch "${tmppath}/anormalfile" \
+			"${tmppath}/01yet-anothernormalfile" \
+			"${tmppath}/anormalapt.conf" \
+			"${tmppath}/01yet-anotherapt.conf" \
+			"${tmppath}/anormalapt.list" \
+			"${tmppath}/01yet-anotherapt.list" \
+			"${tmppath}/wrongextension.wron" \
+			"${tmppath}/wrong-extension.wron" \
+			"${tmppath}/strangefile." \
+			"${tmppath}/s.t.r.a.n.g.e.f.i.l.e" \
+			"${tmppath}/.hiddenfile" \
+			"${tmppath}/.hiddenfile.conf" \
+			"${tmppath}/.hiddenfile.list" \
+			"${tmppath}/" \
+			"${tmppath}/" \
+			"${tmppath}/" \
+			"${tmppath}/disabledfile.disabled" \
+			"${tmppath}/disabledfile.conf.disabled" \
+			"${tmppath}/disabledfile.list.disabled" \
+			"${tmppath}/invälid.conf" \
+			"${tmppath}/invalíd" \
+			"${tmppath}/01invalíd"
+		ln -s "${tmppath}/anormalfile" "${tmppath}/linkedfile.list"
+		ln -s "${tmppath}/non-existing-file" "${tmppath}/brokenlink.list"
+	fi
+	echo -n "Testing with \033[1;35m${name}\033[0m ... "
+	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LDPATH} ${testapp} ${tmppath} && echo "\033[1;32mOKAY\033[0m" || echo "\033[1;31mFAILED\033[0m"
+	if [ -n "$tmppath" -a -d "$tmppath" ]; then
+		echo "Cleanup Testarea after \033[1;35m$name\033[0m ..."
+		rm -rf "$tmppath"
+	fi