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remove the compatibility markers for 4.13 abi

We aren't and we will not be really compatible again with the previous
stable abi, so lets drop these markers (which never made it into a
released version) for good as they have outlived their intend already.

Git-Dch: Ignore
David Kalnischkies 8 years ago

+ 0 - 4

@@ -62,11 +62,7 @@ struct ARArchive::Member
    unsigned long long Size;
    // Location of the data.
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    unsigned long long Start;
-   unsigned long Start;
    Member *Next;
    Member() : Start(0), Next(0) {};

+ 0 - 5

@@ -60,13 +60,8 @@ struct ExtractTar::TarHeader
 // ExtractTar::ExtractTar - Constructor					/*{{{*/
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 /* */
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 ExtractTar::ExtractTar(FileFd &Fd,unsigned long long Max,string DecompressionProgram)
 	: File(Fd), MaxInSize(Max), DecompressProg(DecompressionProgram)
-ExtractTar::ExtractTar(FileFd &Fd,unsigned long Max,string DecompressionProgram)
-	: File(Fd), MaxInSize(Max), DecompressProg(DecompressionProgram)
    GZPid = -1;
    Eof = false;

+ 0 - 8

@@ -40,11 +40,7 @@ class ExtractTar
                   GNU_LongLink = 'K',GNU_LongName = 'L'};
    FileFd &File;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    unsigned long long MaxInSize;
-   unsigned long MaxInSize;
    int GZPid;
    FileFd InFd;
    bool Eof;
@@ -58,11 +54,7 @@ class ExtractTar
    bool Go(pkgDirStream &Stream);
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    ExtractTar(FileFd &Fd,unsigned long long Max,std::string DecompressionProgram);
-   ExtractTar(FileFd &Fd,unsigned long Max,std::string DecompressionProgram);
    virtual ~ExtractTar();

+ 0 - 8

@@ -203,11 +203,7 @@ bool debDebFile::MemControlExtract::DoItem(Item &Itm,int &Fd)
 /* Just memcopy the block from the tar extractor and put it in the right
    place in the pre-allocated memory block. */
 bool debDebFile::MemControlExtract::Process(Item &/*Itm*/,const unsigned char *Data,
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 			     unsigned long long Size,unsigned long long Pos)
-			     unsigned long Size,unsigned long Pos)
    memcpy(Control + Pos, Data,Size);
    return true;
@@ -236,11 +232,7 @@ bool debDebFile::MemControlExtract::Read(debDebFile &Deb)
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 /* The given memory block is loaded into the parser and parsed as a control
    record. */
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 bool debDebFile::MemControlExtract::TakeControl(const void *Data,unsigned long long Size)
-bool debDebFile::MemControlExtract::TakeControl(const void *Data,unsigned long Size)
    delete [] Control;
    Control = new char[Size+2];

+ 0 - 8

@@ -82,19 +82,11 @@ class debDebFile::MemControlExtract : public pkgDirStream
    // Members from DirStream
    virtual bool DoItem(Item &Itm,int &Fd) APT_OVERRIDE;
    virtual bool Process(Item &Itm,const unsigned char *Data,
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 			unsigned long long Size,unsigned long long Pos) APT_OVERRIDE;
-			unsigned long Size,unsigned long Pos);
    // Helpers
    bool Read(debDebFile &Deb);
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    bool TakeControl(const void *Data,unsigned long long Size);
-   bool TakeControl(const void *Data,unsigned long Size);
    MemControlExtract() : IsControl(false), Control(0), Length(0), Member("control") {};
    MemControlExtract(std::string Member) : IsControl(false), Control(0), Length(0), Member(Member) {};

+ 1 - 11

@@ -38,15 +38,10 @@ class pkgDirStream
 	           Directory, FIFO} Type;
       char *Name;
       char *LinkTarget;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
-      unsigned long long Size;
       unsigned long Mode;
       unsigned long UID;
       unsigned long GID;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-      unsigned long Size;
+      unsigned long long Size;
       unsigned long MTime;
       unsigned long Major;
       unsigned long Minor;
@@ -55,13 +50,8 @@ class pkgDirStream
    virtual bool DoItem(Item &Itm,int &Fd);
    virtual bool Fail(Item &Itm,int Fd);
    virtual bool FinishedFile(Item &Itm,int Fd);
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    virtual bool Process(Item &/*Itm*/,const unsigned char * /*Data*/,
 			unsigned long long /*Size*/,unsigned long long /*Pos*/) {return true;};
-   virtual bool Process(Item &/*Itm*/,const unsigned char * /*Data*/,
-			unsigned long /*Size*/,unsigned long /*Pos*/) {return true;};
    virtual ~pkgDirStream() {};   

+ 0 - 14

@@ -638,14 +638,6 @@ bool pkgProblemResolver::DoUpgrade(pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg)
 // ProblemResolver::Resolve - calls a resolver to fix the situation	/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* */
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-bool pkgProblemResolver::Resolve(bool BrokenFix)
-   return Resolve(BrokenFix, NULL);
 bool pkgProblemResolver::Resolve(bool BrokenFix, OpProgress * const Progress)
    std::string const solver = _config->Find("APT::Solver", "internal");
@@ -1144,12 +1136,6 @@ bool pkgProblemResolver::InstOrNewPolicyBroken(pkgCache::PkgIterator I)
 /* This is the work horse of the soft upgrade routine. It is very gental 
    in that it does not install or remove any packages. It is assumed that the
    system was non-broken previously. */
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-bool pkgProblemResolver::ResolveByKeep()
-   return ResolveByKeep(NULL);
 bool pkgProblemResolver::ResolveByKeep(OpProgress * const Progress)
    std::string const solver = _config->Find("APT::Solver", "internal");

+ 0 - 10

@@ -138,20 +138,10 @@ class pkgProblemResolver						/*{{{*/
    inline void Clear(pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg) {Flags[Pkg->ID] &= ~(Protected | ToRemove);};
    // Try to intelligently resolve problems by installing and removing packages
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    bool Resolve(bool BrokenFix = false, OpProgress * const Progress = NULL);
-   bool Resolve(bool BrokenFix = false);
-   bool Resolve(bool BrokenFix, OpProgress * const Progress);
    // Try to resolve problems only by using keep
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    bool ResolveByKeep(OpProgress * const Progress = NULL);
-   bool ResolveByKeep();
-   bool ResolveByKeep(OpProgress * const Progress);
    APT_DEPRECATED void InstallProtect();

+ 1 - 3

@@ -211,14 +211,12 @@ class pkgCache::VerIterator : public Iterator<Version, VerIterator> {
 	// Accessors
 	inline const char *VerStr() const {return S->VerStr == 0?0:Owner->StrP + S->VerStr;}
 	inline const char *Section() const {return S->Section == 0?0:Owner->StrP + S->Section;}
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 	/** \brief source package name this version comes from
 	   Always contains the name, even if it is the same as the binary name */
 	inline const char *SourcePkgName() const {return Owner->StrP + S->SourcePkgName;}
 	/** \brief source version this version comes from
 	   Always contains the version string, even if it is the same as the binary version */
 	inline const char *SourceVerStr() const {return Owner->StrP + S->SourceVerStr;}
 	inline const char *Arch() const {
 		if ((S->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::All) == pkgCache::Version::All)
 			return "all";
@@ -311,7 +309,7 @@ class pkgCache::DepIterator : public Iterator<Dependency, DepIterator> {
 	   map_stringitem_t &Version;
 	   map_pointer_t &Package;
-	   should_be_map_id_t &ID;
+	   map_id_t &ID;
 	   unsigned char &Type;
 	   unsigned char &CompareOp;
 	   map_pointer_t &ParentVer;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -253,12 +253,6 @@ string Configuration::FindDir(const char *Name,const char *Default) const
 // Configuration::FindVector - Find a vector of values			/*{{{*/
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 /* Returns a vector of config values under the given item */
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-vector<string> Configuration::FindVector(const char *Name) const
-   return FindVector(Name, "");
 vector<string> Configuration::FindVector(const char *Name, std::string const &Default, bool const Keys) const
    vector<string> Vec;

+ 0 - 5

@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ bool debListParser::NewVersion(pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver)
       map_stringitem_t const idx = StoreString(pkgCacheGenerator::SECTION, Start, Stop - Start);
       Ver->Section = idx;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    // Parse the source package name
    pkgCache::GrpIterator const G = Ver.ParentPkg().Group();
    Ver->SourcePkgName = G->Name;
@@ -193,7 +192,6 @@ bool debListParser::NewVersion(pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver)
    Ver->MultiArch = ParseMultiArch(true);
    // Archive Size
@@ -962,7 +960,6 @@ unsigned char debListParser::GetPrio(string Str)
    return Out;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 bool debListParser::SameVersion(unsigned short const Hash,		/*{{{*/
       pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver)
@@ -982,8 +979,6 @@ bool debListParser::SameVersion(unsigned short const Hash,		/*{{{*/
    return true;
 debDebFileParser::debDebFileParser(FileFd *File, std::string const &DebFile)
    : debListParser(File, ""), DebFile(DebFile)

+ 0 - 2

@@ -71,9 +71,7 @@ class APT_HIDDEN debListParser : public pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser
    virtual std::vector<std::string> AvailableDescriptionLanguages() APT_OVERRIDE;
    virtual MD5SumValue Description_md5() APT_OVERRIDE;
    virtual unsigned short VersionHash() APT_OVERRIDE;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    virtual bool SameVersion(unsigned short const Hash, pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver) APT_OVERRIDE;
    virtual bool UsePackage(pkgCache::PkgIterator &Pkg,
 			   pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver) APT_OVERRIDE;
    virtual map_filesize_t Offset() APT_OVERRIDE {return iOffset;};

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1846,16 +1846,7 @@ void pkgDPkgPM::WriteApportReport(const char *pkgpath, const char *errormsg)
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    fprintf(report, "Date: %s" , ctime(&now));
    fprintf(report, "Package: %s %s\n", pkgname.c_str(), pkgver.c_str());
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    fprintf(report, "SourcePackage: %s\n", Ver.SourcePkgName());
-   pkgRecords Recs(Cache);
-   pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs.Lookup(Ver.FileList());
-   std::string srcpkgname = Parse.SourcePkg();
-   if(srcpkgname.empty())
-      srcpkgname = pkgname;
-   fprintf(report, "SourcePackage: %s\n", srcpkgname.c_str());
    fprintf(report, "ErrorMessage:\n %s\n", errormsg);
    // ensure that the log is flushed

+ 0 - 7

@@ -51,14 +51,7 @@ static void WriteScenarioVersion(pkgDepCache &Cache, FILE* output, pkgCache::Pkg
 				pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver)
    fprintf(output, "Package: %s\n", Pkg.Name());
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    fprintf(output, "Source: %s\n", Ver.SourcePkgName());
-   pkgRecords Recs(Cache);
-   pkgRecords::Parser &rec = Recs.Lookup(Ver.FileList());
-   string srcpkg = rec.SourcePkg().empty() ? Pkg.Name() : rec.SourcePkg();
-   fprintf(output, "Source: %s\n", srcpkg.c_str());
    fprintf(output, "Architecture: %s\n", Ver.Arch());
    fprintf(output, "Version: %s\n", Ver.VerStr());
    if (Pkg.CurrentVer() == Ver)

+ 0 - 24

@@ -1085,7 +1085,6 @@ pkgPackageManager::OrderResult pkgPackageManager::OrderInstall()
 // PM::DoInstallPostFork - compat /*{{{*/
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 pkgPackageManager::DoInstallPostFork(int statusFd)
@@ -1107,22 +1106,10 @@ pkgPackageManager::DoInstallPostFork(APT::Progress::PackageManager *progress)
    return Res;
-pkgPackageManager::DoInstallPostFork(int statusFd)
-   bool goResult = Go(statusFd);
-   if(goResult == false) 
-      return Failed;
-   return Res;
 // PM::DoInstall - Does the installation				/*{{{*/
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 /* compat */
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 pkgPackageManager::DoInstall(int statusFd)
@@ -1132,21 +1119,11 @@ pkgPackageManager::DoInstall(int statusFd)
     delete progress;
     return res;
-pkgPackageManager::OrderResult pkgPackageManager::DoInstall(int statusFd)
-   if(DoInstallPreFork() == Failed)
-      return Failed;
-   return DoInstallPostFork(statusFd);
 // PM::DoInstall - Does the installation				/*{{{*/
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 /* This uses the filenames in FileNames and the information in the
    DepCache to perform the installation of packages.*/
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 pkgPackageManager::DoInstall(APT::Progress::PackageManager *progress)
@@ -1155,5 +1132,4 @@ pkgPackageManager::DoInstall(APT::Progress::PackageManager *progress)
    return DoInstallPostFork(progress);

+ 0 - 10

@@ -95,9 +95,7 @@ class pkgPackageManager : protected pkgCache::Namespace
    virtual bool Install(PkgIterator /*Pkg*/,std::string /*File*/) {return false;};
    virtual bool Configure(PkgIterator /*Pkg*/) {return false;};
    virtual bool Remove(PkgIterator /*Pkg*/,bool /*Purge*/=false) {return false;};
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    virtual bool Go(APT::Progress::PackageManager * /*progress*/) {return true;};
    virtual bool Go(int /*statusFd*/=-1) {return true;};
    virtual void Reset() {};
@@ -112,13 +110,9 @@ class pkgPackageManager : protected pkgCache::Namespace
 		    pkgRecords *Recs);
    // Do the installation
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    OrderResult DoInstall(APT::Progress::PackageManager *progress);
    // compat
    APT_DEPRECATED OrderResult DoInstall(int statusFd=-1);
-   OrderResult DoInstall(int statusFd=-1);
    // stuff that needs to be done before the fork() of a library that
    // uses apt
@@ -126,14 +120,10 @@ class pkgPackageManager : protected pkgCache::Namespace
       Res = OrderInstall();
       return Res;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    // stuff that needs to be done after the fork
    OrderResult DoInstallPostFork(APT::Progress::PackageManager *progress);
    // compat
    APT_DEPRECATED OrderResult DoInstallPostFork(int statusFd=-1);
-   OrderResult DoInstallPostFork(int statusFd=-1);
    // ?
    bool FixMissing();

+ 0 - 3

@@ -87,9 +87,6 @@ pkgCache::Header::Header()
    FileList = 0;
    RlsFileList = 0;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-   APT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED(StringList = 0;)
    VerSysName = 0;
    Architecture = 0;

+ 15 - 59

@@ -85,45 +85,18 @@
 using std::string;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
+// size of (potentially big) files like debs or the install size of them
+typedef uint64_t map_filesize_t;
 // storing file sizes of indexes, which are way below 4 GB for now
-typedef uint32_t map_filesize_t;
-typedef map_filesize_t should_be_map_filesize_t;
-typedef unsigned long map_filesize_t;
-typedef unsigned int should_be_map_filesize_t;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
+typedef uint32_t map_filesize_small_t;
 // each package/group/dependency gets an id
 typedef uint32_t map_id_t;
-typedef map_id_t should_be_map_id_t;
-typedef unsigned long map_id_t;
-typedef unsigned int should_be_map_id_t;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 // some files get an id, too, but in far less absolute numbers
 typedef uint16_t map_fileid_t;
-typedef map_fileid_t should_be_map_fileid_t;
-typedef unsigned long map_fileid_t;
-typedef unsigned int should_be_map_fileid_t;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 // relative pointer from cache start
 typedef uint32_t map_pointer_t;
-typedef unsigned int map_pointer_t;
 // same as the previous, but documented to be to a string item
 typedef map_pointer_t map_stringitem_t;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
-typedef uint64_t should_be_uint64_t;
-typedef uint64_t should_be_uint64_small_t;
-typedef unsigned long long should_be_uint64_t;
-typedef unsigned long should_be_uint64_small_t;
 class pkgVersioningSystem;
 class pkgCache								/*{{{*/
@@ -342,17 +315,12 @@ struct pkgCache::Header
    /** \brief index of the first ReleaseFile structure */
    map_pointer_t RlsFileList;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-   APT_DEPRECATED map_pointer_t StringList;
    /** \brief String representing the version system used */
    map_pointer_t VerSysName;
    /** \brief native architecture the cache was built against */
    map_pointer_t Architecture;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    /** \brief all architectures the cache was built against */
    map_pointer_t Architectures;
    /** \brief The maximum size of a raw entry from the original Package file */
    map_filesize_t MaxVerFileSize;
    /** \brief The maximum size of a raw entry from the original Translation file */
@@ -378,26 +346,16 @@ struct pkgCache::Header
        In the PkgHashTable is it possible that multiple packages have the same name -
        these packages are stored as a sequence in the list.
        The size of both tables is the same. */
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    unsigned int HashTableSize;
    unsigned int GetHashTableSize() const { return HashTableSize; }
    void SetHashTableSize(unsigned int const sz) { HashTableSize = sz; }
    map_pointer_t GetArchitectures() const { return Architectures; }
    void SetArchitectures(map_pointer_t const idx) { Architectures = idx; }
-   // BEWARE: these tables are pretty much empty and just here for abi compat
-   map_ptrloc PkgHashTable[2*1048];
-   map_ptrloc GrpHashTable[2*1048];
-   unsigned int GetHashTableSize() const { return PkgHashTable[0]; }
-   void SetHashTableSize(unsigned int const sz) { PkgHashTable[0] = sz; }
-   map_pointer_t GetArchitectures() const { return PkgHashTable[1]; }
-   void SetArchitectures(map_pointer_t const idx) { PkgHashTable[1] = idx; }
    map_pointer_t * PkgHashTableP() const { return (map_pointer_t*) (this + 1); }
    map_pointer_t * GrpHashTableP() const { return PkgHashTableP() + GetHashTableSize(); }
    /** \brief Size of the complete cache file */
-   should_be_uint64_small_t CacheFileSize;
+   map_filesize_small_t CacheFileSize;
    bool CheckSizes(Header &Against) const APT_PURE;
@@ -423,7 +381,7 @@ struct pkgCache::Group
    /** \brief Link to the next Group */
    map_pointer_t Next;		// Group
    /** \brief unique sequel ID */
-   should_be_map_id_t ID;
+   map_id_t ID;
@@ -495,7 +453,7 @@ struct pkgCache::Package
        This allows clients to create an array of size PackageCount and use it to store
        state information for the package map. For instance the status file emitter uses
        this to track which packages have been emitted already. */
-   should_be_map_id_t ID;
+   map_id_t ID;
    /** \brief some useful indicators of the package's state */
    unsigned long Flags;
@@ -537,7 +495,7 @@ struct pkgCache::ReleaseFile
    /** \brief Link to the next ReleaseFile in the Cache */
    map_pointer_t NextFile;
    /** \brief unique sequel ID */
-   should_be_map_fileid_t ID;
+   map_fileid_t ID;
 // Package File structure						/*{{{*/
@@ -576,7 +534,7 @@ struct pkgCache::PackageFile
    /** \brief Link to the next PackageFile in the Cache */
    map_pointer_t NextFile;        // PackageFile
    /** \brief unique sequel ID */
-   should_be_map_fileid_t ID;
+   map_fileid_t ID;
 // VerFile structure							/*{{{*/
@@ -591,7 +549,7 @@ struct pkgCache::VerFile
    /** \brief next step in the linked list */
    map_pointer_t NextFile;       // PkgVerFile
    /** \brief position in the package file */
-   should_be_map_filesize_t Offset;         // File offset
+   map_filesize_t Offset;         // File offset
    /** @TODO document pkgCache::VerFile::Size */
    map_filesize_t Size;
@@ -605,7 +563,7 @@ struct pkgCache::DescFile
    /** \brief next step in the linked list */
    map_pointer_t NextFile;       // PkgVerFile
    /** \brief position in the file */
-   should_be_map_filesize_t Offset;         // File offset
+   map_filesize_t Offset;         // File offset
    /** @TODO document pkgCache::DescFile::Size */
    map_filesize_t Size;
@@ -622,14 +580,12 @@ struct pkgCache::Version
    map_stringitem_t VerStr;
    /** \brief section this version is filled in */
    map_stringitem_t Section;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    /** \brief source package name this version comes from
       Always contains the name, even if it is the same as the binary name */
    map_stringitem_t SourcePkgName;
    /** \brief source version this version comes from
       Always contains the version string, even if it is the same as the binary version */
    map_stringitem_t SourceVerStr;
    /** \brief Multi-Arch capabilities of a package version */
    enum VerMultiArch { None = 0, /*!< is the default and doesn't trigger special behaviour */
@@ -668,16 +624,16 @@ struct pkgCache::Version
    /** \brief archive size for this version
        For Debian this is the size of the .deb file. */
-   should_be_uint64_t Size; // These are the .deb size
+   map_filesize_t Size; // These are the .deb size
    /** \brief uncompressed size for this version */
-   should_be_uint64_t InstalledSize;
+   map_filesize_t InstalledSize;
    /** \brief characteristic value representing this version
        No two packages in existence should have the same VerStr
        and Hash with different contents. */
    unsigned short Hash;
    /** \brief unique sequel ID */
-   should_be_map_id_t ID;
+   map_id_t ID;
    /** \brief parsed priority value */
    unsigned char Priority;
@@ -705,7 +661,7 @@ struct pkgCache::Description
    map_pointer_t ParentPkg;         // Package
    /** \brief unique sequel ID */
-   should_be_map_id_t ID;
+   map_id_t ID;
 // Dependency structure							/*{{{*/
@@ -745,7 +701,7 @@ struct pkgCache::Dependency
    map_pointer_t NextDepends;     // Dependency
    /** \brief unique sequel ID */
-   should_be_map_id_t ID;
+   map_id_t ID;
 // Provides structure							/*{{{*/

+ 0 - 7

@@ -68,17 +68,10 @@ class pkgRecords::Parser						/*{{{*/
     * choose the hash to be used.
    virtual HashStringList Hashes() const { return HashStringList(); };
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    APT_DEPRECATED std::string MD5Hash() const { return GetHashFromHashes("MD5Sum"); };
    APT_DEPRECATED std::string SHA1Hash() const { return GetHashFromHashes("SHA1"); };
    APT_DEPRECATED std::string SHA256Hash() const { return GetHashFromHashes("SHA256"); };
    APT_DEPRECATED std::string SHA512Hash() const { return GetHashFromHashes("SHA512"); };
-   APT_DEPRECATED std::string MD5Hash() { return GetHashFromHashes("MD5Sum"); };
-   APT_DEPRECATED std::string SHA1Hash() { return GetHashFromHashes("SHA1"); };
-   APT_DEPRECATED std::string SHA256Hash() { return GetHashFromHashes("SHA256"); };
-   APT_DEPRECATED std::string SHA512Hash() { return GetHashFromHashes("SHA512"); };
    // These are some general stats about the package
    virtual std::string Maintainer() {return std::string();};

+ 0 - 28

@@ -305,21 +305,11 @@ APT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_PUSH
    : Section(0), d(new pkgTagSectionPrivate()), Stop(0)
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-   TagCount = 0;
-   memset(&Indexes, 0, sizeof(Indexes));
    memset(&AlphaIndexes, 0, sizeof(AlphaIndexes));
 // TagSection::Scan - Scan for the end of the header information	/*{{{*/
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-bool pkgTagSection::Scan(const char *Start,unsigned long MaxLength)
-   return Scan(Start, MaxLength, true);
 bool pkgTagSection::Scan(const char *Start,unsigned long MaxLength, bool const Restart)
    Section = Start;
@@ -345,11 +335,7 @@ bool pkgTagSection::Scan(const char *Start,unsigned long MaxLength, bool const R
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    unsigned int TagCount = d->Tags.size();
-   APT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED(TagCount = d->Tags.size();)
    if (Stop == 0)
       return false;
@@ -376,10 +362,6 @@ bool pkgTagSection::Scan(const char *Start,unsigned long MaxLength, bool const R
 	       lastTagData.NextInBucket = AlphaIndexes[lastTagHash];
 	    AlphaIndexes[lastTagHash] = TagCount;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-	    if (d->Tags.size() < sizeof(Indexes)/sizeof(Indexes[0]))
-	       Indexes[d->Tags.size()] = lastTagData.StartTag;
@@ -423,16 +405,10 @@ bool pkgTagSection::Scan(const char *Start,unsigned long MaxLength, bool const R
 	    if (AlphaIndexes[lastTagHash] != 0)
 	       lastTagData.NextInBucket = AlphaIndexes[lastTagHash];
 	    APT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED(AlphaIndexes[lastTagHash] = TagCount;)
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-	    APT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED(Indexes[d->Tags.size()] = lastTagData.StartTag;)
 	 pkgTagSectionPrivate::TagData const td(Stop - Section);
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-	 APT_IGNORE_DEPRECATED(Indexes[d->Tags.size()] = td.StartTag;)
 	 return true;
@@ -463,11 +439,7 @@ void pkgTagSection::Trim()
 // TagSection::Exists - return True if a tag exists			/*{{{*/
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 bool pkgTagSection::Exists(const char* const Tag) const
-bool pkgTagSection::Exists(const char* const Tag)
    unsigned int tmp;
    return Find(Tag, tmp);

+ 0 - 16

@@ -37,14 +37,7 @@ class pkgTagSectionPrivate;
 class pkgTagSection
    const char *Section;
-   // We have a limit of 256 tags per section with the old abi
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-   APT_DEPRECATED unsigned int Indexes[256];
    unsigned int AlphaIndexes[0x100];
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-   APT_DEPRECATED unsigned int TagCount;
    pkgTagSectionPrivate * const d;
@@ -84,12 +77,7 @@ class pkgTagSection
     * @return \b true if section end was found, \b false otherwise.
     *  Beware that internal state will be inconsistent if \b false is returned!
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    APT_MUSTCHECK bool Scan(const char *Start, unsigned long MaxLength, bool const Restart = true);
-   APT_MUSTCHECK bool Scan(const char *Start, unsigned long MaxLength, bool const Restart);
-   APT_MUSTCHECK bool Scan(const char *Start, unsigned long MaxLength);
    inline unsigned long size() const {return Stop - Section;};
    void Trim();
@@ -101,11 +89,7 @@ class pkgTagSection
     * times, but only the last occurrence is available via Find methods.
    unsigned int Count() const;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
    bool Exists(const char* const Tag) const;
-   bool Exists(const char* const Tag);
    void Get(const char *&Start,const char *&Stop,unsigned int I) const;

+ 0 - 6

@@ -288,12 +288,6 @@ bool pkgMinimizeUpgrade(pkgDepCache &Cache)
 // APT::Upgrade::Upgrade - Upgrade using a specific strategy		/*{{{*/
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-bool APT::Upgrade::Upgrade(pkgDepCache &Cache, int mode)
-   return Upgrade(Cache, mode, NULL);
 bool APT::Upgrade::Upgrade(pkgDepCache &Cache, int mode, OpProgress * const Progress)

+ 0 - 5

@@ -24,12 +24,7 @@ namespace APT {
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
       bool Upgrade(pkgDepCache &Cache, int UpgradeMode, OpProgress * const Progress = NULL);
-      bool Upgrade(pkgDepCache &Cache, int UpgradeMode);
-      bool Upgrade(pkgDepCache &Cache, int UpgradeMode, OpProgress * const Progress);

+ 0 - 10

@@ -94,14 +94,9 @@ bool InstallPackages(CacheFile &Cache,bool ShwKept,bool Ask, bool Safety)
       pkgSimulate PM(Cache);
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
       APT::Progress::PackageManager *progress = APT::Progress::PackageManagerProgressFactory();
       pkgPackageManager::OrderResult Res = PM.DoInstall(progress);
       delete progress;
-      int status_fd = _config->FindI("APT::Status-Fd",-1);
-      pkgPackageManager::OrderResult Res = PM.DoInstall(status_fd);
       if (Res == pkgPackageManager::Failed)
 	 return false;
@@ -307,14 +302,9 @@ bool InstallPackages(CacheFile &Cache,bool ShwKept,bool Ask, bool Safety)
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
       APT::Progress::PackageManager *progress = APT::Progress::PackageManagerProgressFactory();
       pkgPackageManager::OrderResult Res = PM->DoInstall(progress);
       delete progress;
-      int status_fd = _config->FindI("APT::Status-Fd", -1);
-      pkgPackageManager::OrderResult Res = PM->DoInstall(status_fd);
       if (Res == pkgPackageManager::Failed || _error->PendingError() == true)
 	 return false;

+ 1 - 3

@@ -392,10 +392,8 @@ static bool Stats(CommandLine &)
 	 if (V->Section != 0)
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 	 for (pkgCache::DepIterator D = V.DependsList(); D.end() == false; ++D)
 	    if (D->Version != 0)
@@ -430,10 +428,10 @@ static bool Stats(CommandLine &)
    unsigned long Size = 0;
    for (std::set<map_stringitem_t>::const_iterator i = stritems.begin(); i != stritems.end(); ++i)
       Size += strlen(Cache->StrP + *i) + 1;
    cout << _("Total globbed strings: ") << stritems.size() << " (" << SizeToStr(Size) << ')' << endl;

+ 0 - 33

@@ -162,11 +162,7 @@ static pkgCache::RlsFileIterator GetReleaseFileForSourceRecord(CacheFile &CacheF
 // FindSrc - Find a source record					/*{{{*/
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 /* */
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 static pkgSrcRecords::Parser *FindSrc(const char *Name,
-static pkgSrcRecords::Parser *FindSrc(const char *Name,pkgRecords &Recs,
 			       pkgSrcRecords &SrcRecs,string &Src,
 			       CacheFile &CacheFile)
@@ -276,19 +272,8 @@ static pkgSrcRecords::Parser *FindSrc(const char *Name,pkgRecords &Recs,
 		  // the Version we have is possibly fuzzy or includes binUploads,
 		  // so we use the Version of the SourcePkg (empty if same as package)
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 		  Src = Ver.SourcePkgName();
 		  VerTag = Ver.SourceVerStr();
-		  pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs.Lookup(VF);
-		  Src = Parse.SourcePkg();
-		  // no SourcePkg name, so it is the "binary" name
-		  if (Src.empty() == true)
-		     Src = TmpSrc;
-		  VerTag = Parse.SourceVer();
-		  if (VerTag.empty() == true)
-		     VerTag = Ver.VerStr();
@@ -319,17 +304,10 @@ static pkgSrcRecords::Parser *FindSrc(const char *Name,pkgRecords &Recs,
 	 pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Cache->GetCandidateVer(Pkg);
 	 if (Ver.end() == false) 
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 	    if (strcmp(Ver.SourcePkgName(),Ver.ParentPkg().Name()) != 0)
 	       Src = Ver.SourcePkgName();
 	    if (VerTag.empty() == true && strcmp(Ver.SourceVerStr(),Ver.VerStr()) != 0)
 	       VerTag = Ver.SourceVerStr();
-	    pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs.Lookup(Ver.FileList());
-	    Src = Parse.SourcePkg();
-	    if (VerTag.empty() == true)
-	       VerTag = Parse.SourceVer();
@@ -716,9 +694,6 @@ static bool DoSource(CommandLine &CmdL)
    pkgSourceList *List = Cache.GetSourceList();
    // Create the text record parsers
-#if APT_PKG_ABI < 413
-   pkgRecords Recs(Cache);
    pkgSrcRecords SrcRecs(*List);
    if (_error->PendingError() == true)
       return false;
@@ -746,11 +721,7 @@ static bool DoSource(CommandLine &CmdL)
    for (const char **I = CmdL.FileList + 1; *I != 0; I++, J++)
       string Src;
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
       pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Last = FindSrc(*I,SrcRecs,Src,Cache);
-      pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Last = FindSrc(*I,Recs,SrcRecs,Src,Cache);
       if (Last == 0) {
 	 return _error->Error(_("Unable to find a source package for %s"),Src.c_str());
@@ -1056,11 +1027,7 @@ static bool DoBuildDep(CommandLine &CmdL)
             LastOwner = Last = Type->CreateSrcPkgParser(*I);
       } else {
          // normal case, search the cache for the source file
-#if APT_PKG_ABI >= 413
 	 Last = FindSrc(*I,SrcRecs,Src,Cache);
-	 Last = FindSrc(*I,Recs,SrcRecs,Src,Cache);
       if (Last == 0)